YANA Special Tours
Action Asia
on Biking in Bhutan
What more satisfying way could there be to adjust to the pace of life in Bhutan than to discover it by bike? YANA Expeditions offer the perfect 12-day introduction to the country with a pedal-powered tour of some of its highlights including a visit to the capital Thimphu, panoramas of Mt. Jhomolhari (7314 m) and excursion to several monasteries.

OF the latter, the standout is the famous Tiger's Nest of course, now restored to its lofty perch high above the valley after the fire of April 1998. You will of course be reaching it on foot, not in the saddle, and there will be plenty of opportunity for other short hikes too along the way, while the riding itself is of only moderate challenge, allowing time each day to lap up the atmosphere of a country where the pace of 'progress' is more considered than breakneck.

The official national development strategy targets the raising of the GNH (Gross National Happiness), and the royalty taxes you contribute in visiting the country go towards making it an even fairer and happier place to live. Sample the results while you contribute to the continuation you might even decide to immigrate!

YANA Expeditions in "Action Asia MAGAZINE": Please have a look.
For details please write to yanamd@druknet.bt
or to bikebhutan@druknet.bt
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