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With YANA Travel on tour Why Travel With YANA Travel, Inc.?
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Company Profile

"YANA" is a Sanskrit word and means "ROAD." Thus YANA Travel is "Your Road To Adventure" in Bhutan. It was founded to provide a safe, informative, in-depth and fun travel experience for visitors to Bhutan. The company has prospered mainly because of its dedication to creating and facilitating travel experiences that expand awareness and give each person a true sense of the country and its culture.

Led by a team of experienced, knowledgeable guides, the company's tours and treks are guaranteed ecologically and culturally sensitive, and they can be directed to fit every interest from textiles to cycling, nature to photography. When travelling with us you will truly experience the unique Bhutanese culture, and become acquainted with the people of Bhutan instead of just "Seeing the Sights." Our personal attention and care creates a group of camaraderie not found on most tours.

Tashi "Kelson" Tobgay owns and operates YANA Travel and accompanies most of its tours. He has professional degree in Travel & Tourism Management from Trajal Hospitality and Tourism College, Tokyo in Japan and with his years of guiding experience in the Bhutanese Tourism Industry, the company strives to provide "Quality Service" leading to quality Bhutan experience.
He believes that the Bhutanese people will win your hearts with their warm hospitality, passionate music, colorful pageantry and wonderful sense of humor. The Bhutanese love of life, country, family and festival is contagious. Tashi's love of the local people and his genuine understanding of the Bhutanese cultural has helped to foster many unique long-term relationships. Our groups always feel special and are welcomed everywhere they go.

We pride ourselves for having a host of great travel ideas for you to choose from, covering all parts of the country. Why choose a conventional travel company? Come to us with your ideas for a dream tour and we will do our best to make them happen! We are here to make your dreams come true! Please remember that when travelling with us you can be confident that your environmental and cultural impact is positive. Leave the modern world behind and enter the nature-loving, culturally-traditional Kingdom of Bhutan with in-country tour operator and you will enjoy an insider's perspective.

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Tashi Kelson Tobgay
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