YANA information
Festivals in Bhutan
Bhutan Festivals
Bhutan map
Paro Domchoe
Wangdue Phodrang Tshechu
Bhutan Festivals
Trongsa Tshechu
Haa Tshechu
Gasa Tshechu
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Paro Domchoe
Bhutan map
Thimphu Tshechu
The dance of the Noblemen and Ladies being performed at the second day of the Thimphu Tshechu

The Gonpoi Dubchhen is dedicated to Yeshey Goenpo or Mahakala,the main protecting deity of Bhutan. The Dubchhen was introduced inParo, Wangduephodrang and Trongsa by the 68th Je Khenpo, HisHoliness Tenzin Dendup, in 1987.

Yeshey Goenpo is one of the most prominent guardians or protectordeities of the Drukpa Kagyue school of Buddhism. An emanation ofChenrezi (Avalokitesvara), Mahakala is said to be the wrathful deity that brings the minds into attentive focus.

Wangduephodrang Tshechu

In Wangduephodrang annual Gonpoi Dubchhen is the 16-day long. The three-day annual Tshechu concludes with the unfurling of the Guru Tshengye Thongdroel. The annual Wangduephodrang Tshechu was introduced by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal after he built the Wangduephodrang dzong in 1638.

Trongsa Tshechu

More than 100 monks began a seven day recitationof Tsepagmey Bumdey (prayer for long evity) on September 26 and will conclude on October 2 with theTshewang (blessing for long life) from the sacred staff (walking stick) of Yongzin Ngagi Wangchuk who founded the Trongsa dzong in 1541.

Haa Tshechu

The Haa Tshechu, which was introduced in 1990, also concludes with the unfurling of the Guru Thongdroel. Only three years ago the Haa Rabdey was taking dancers from Paro and Thimphu but now has its own dancers. The Haa rabdey was established in 1983 in the Lhakhang Karpo and currently has about 70 monks.

Gasa Tshechu

The people of Gasa are celebrating their first Tshechu festival nine years after Gasa became a separate dzongkhag. The three-day Tshechu, which will become an annual event,concludes today with an offering of Goenpoi Tongtshok. "Since we are organising the Tshechu in the dzongkhag for the first time, we have managed to arrange only a few mask dances alongwith folk dances and Goenzhe," Lam Neten of Gasa rabdey told. "With the introduction of annual Tshechu we can also promote and preserve our traditional Goenzhe, a classical dance of Goen's people."

The Gasa rabdey with 45 monks was established in 1998 in the Tashi Thongmoen dzong, coinciding with the silver jubilee celebration of His Majesty's enthronement. The Tashi Thongmoen dzong was built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1649.

Kuensel newspaper
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