Bhutan Politics |
Bhutan Politics |
Gasa be forgotten by politicians? |
is not the end, it is the beginning...'
17, 2006 |
dzongkhag is a place of legends and history. Yet, the experience of most
Bhutanese who visit the dzongkhag is limited to the hot springs in the
valley, a few visiting the dzong at the top of the hill or trekking for
days to places like Laya and Lunana. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince,
who visits frequently with His Majesty the King, is a familiar figure to
the people of even the remote villages of Gasa and was welcomed on his
visit for the draft Constitution consultations. |
500 Layap and Lunap yak herders and the people of remote Khatoe and Khamey
gewogs represented their households at the meeting near Gasa Tashi Thongmey
said they were witnesses to a new era in the evolution of Bhutan.
The Gasa Tashi Thongmey Dzong |
relatively small gathering enabled unusual and informal discussions with
the Crown Prince who moved from the pavilion into the tent with the people.
from discussions on the Constitution there were exchanges on the issues
of importance to the people, on the economy of Gasa, on the hopes and aspirations
of the people and His Royal Highness inquired after the families and children
of those who spoke. |
His Royal Highness sat with the people and began discussing the draft Constitution,
article by article, it became clear that the people of Gasa were deeply
concerned with the prospect of living under the new system of politics.
They asked what measures were included in the Constitution to prevent politicians
neglecting the remote dzongkhags or those with small populations. 'Democracy
is all about elections,' said Gup Kencho Gyeltshen. 'Gasa dzongkhag has
the smallest population and, therefore, the least numbers of voters and
we won't make a difference to the politicians,' he said. 'It will be difficult
for an elected government to hear our voice.'
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck |
Lunana gup said that even electing a gup was determined by the size of
the village. 'We will have less representation since we are very few in
numbers,' gup Dorji Droley said.
His Majesty we have had steady development in our gewogs even though government
officials have to walk for weeks,' said a 21-year yak herder from Lunana,
Phuba. 'Will we get attention from the new government?'
Royal Highness allayed their fears and assured the people that their interests
would not be overlooked by political parties focused on votes from larger
populations. |
Royal Highness explained that while this was the case in many parts of
the world, minorities in Bhutan would be safeguarded by provisions specially
drafted for this purpose. His Royal Highness asked for all the relevant
clauses to be read and explained how they allowed even smaller dzongkhags
and populations to play an active and important part in the new political
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck |
was much exchange of views and requests for clarifications on many issues.
Many people expressed their hopes for the future under the new system but
still wondered whether rural people, whose only concerns had been of their
family and village in the past, could shoulder the responsibility of electing
people and parties and holding them accountable. |
could they, having been beneficiaries of the country's participatory development
process till now, negotiate with political parties for their economic and
development needs? A village elder from Laya, Tshering, expressed his gratitude
to His Majesty for decentralising power to the grass root level but expressed
his apprehension in shouldering the grave responsibilities that came with
decentralisation. 'There will be many problems when simple villagers are
suddenly made responsible for choosing their own leaders,' he said.
Royal Highness said that there were good and bad democracies and that a
successful democracy would have immense impact on improving the lives of
the people. His Royal Highness repeatedly reminded the people, however,
that it was crucial for them to understand the Constitution and the new
system that would be introduced. He said that, without this understanding,
the system would not work. His Royal Highness quoted His Majesty's command
that ''Democracy, as a concept or system of political parties and elections,
is not something Bhutan has gone blindly after. Every country is unique
and needs a unique system. Bhutan needs a system that works - one that
fulfills the aspirations of the people.''
Royal Highness said this command meant that while the people were rightly
proud that the King was initiating unprecedented reforms and that democracy
was coming to Bhutan in a time of peace and prosperity, the real success
would lie in the years after 2008. If the people, in whose hands power
has been devolved, do not understand or carry their responsibilities then
our pride would be short-lived and this historic opportunity wasted. '2008
is not the end, it is the beginning - His Majesty will place Bhutan in
your hands. Are you prepared to play your part?' His Royal Highness asked.
Royal Highness encouraged all village elders, people's representatives,
civil servants and the educated population to make the effort to explain
and discuss the Constitution with those who needed the help. His Royal
Highness said that this effort to share knowledge of the constitution or
the efforts to improve the system as a whole should be enduring and constant.
Royal Highness served lunch to the people and then, together with school
children and villagers, walked to the dzong and the nearby town area.
a group of Layaps started their return journey, covered in rain coats,
one of themsaid that she had never thought that an ordinary citizen like
her could make a difference in choosing a leader of their choice. 'Today
I understood that we have a serious responsibility and it is time for all
Bhutanese to start preparing for it,' Pasa Om said.
Wangmo of Damje village is skeptical about the changes coming soon. 'We
are cut off by such difficult terrain but still we have been getting roads
and electricity under His Majesty's government,' she said. 'Can the new
government do the same? And even if they can, would they do so given our
small population of voters?'
old Lhaba and 27-year old Pemba Tshering from Ramina village are confident
that with His Majesty's wisdom and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's
guidance, Bhutan will see unprecedented development in the years to come.
'If policy makers come to our village they will se what we need,' Pemba
Tshering said.
people said they hoped everyone would follow the example of the King and
Crown Prince and visit their dzongkhag more often. Senior officials and
civil servants would learn about the needs and aspirations of the people
of Gasa, while businessmen and tourists would bring economic activity and
by Ugyen Penjore and Tashi Dorji, Kuensel, Bhutan's National Newspaper,
2006 |
14, 2006 |
Majesty King Jigme Singye Wangchuk said that the responsibilities of the
Throne would be delegated to the Chhoetse Penlop before 2008. His Royal
Highness Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck will be enthroned as the fifth
Druk Gyalpo in 2008. |