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Crown Prince conferred honorary doctorate
Doctorate Degree from RSU
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Crown Prince conferred honorary doctorate

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, was conferred an honorary doctorate degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics by the Rangsit University in Thailand on November 26.

The event coincided with the convocation ceremony of the university.

According to the university's Director of Public Relations Office, the University Council had unanimously agreed to confer an Honorary Doctorate Degree in recognition of His Royal Highness's substantial contributions in leadership and national development in Bhutan.

The University also composed a special song entitled 'Precious Prince Of Hearts" for the Crown Prince which was performed at the ceremony and is to be included in the graduation bulletin.

Source: KUENSEL, Bhutan's Nastional Newspaper , 29 November 2006


HRH Crown Prince Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck Received Doctorate Degree from RSU
HRH speaking during the graduation ceremony at RSU
Rangsit University arranged the graduation ceremony of Academic Year 2005 on November 26, 2006. This year the University Council of Rangsit University has unanimously agreed to confer an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics to HRH Crown Prince Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, in recognition of his substantial contributions in leadership and national development.

The University has considered his wisdom and his strategies in developing his country and his people, and in enhancing their quality of life.

The University provided graduation bulletins to 3,000 graduates that include information about Bhutan, HRH Jigme's biography and background of Rangsit University in order to promote a good relationship between Rangsit University and the Kingdom of Bhutan. The University also composed a special song entitled "Precious Prince of Hearts" for HRH Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck that was included in the graduation bulletin as well. The lyrics was composed by Ms. Pitsamai Jantarawimol and the melody by Dr. Denny Uprasert and Mr. Nop Pratheepasen. The song was performed by Mr. Theeranai Na Nongkai with help from the students of the Conservatory of Music and the Fine Arts Department to honor the beloved prince.

Honorary Doctorate Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics to HRH Crown Prince Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck arrived at Arthit Ourairat Building of Rangsit University around 11.30 am where after resting for awhile and had lunch, changed his suit to the graduation gown provided by RSU at the reception room of the 11th floor.

He then proceeded to Nantankan Building through the royal golf cart together with H.E. Air Vice Marshal Kamthon Sindhvananda, University Council President and Dr. Arthit Ourairat, President of Rangsit University in order to formally receive the honorary doctorate degree and provide royal words of inspiration to the graduating students. Excerpts of HRH speech are provided here as follows:

"I am truly grateful to all of you for inviting me here today. But from the beginning, I must say that this doctorate, like the privileged of receiving the warm affection of so many Thai people, is an honor that I feel I do not deserve. The affection you have shown me, though unexpected, is deeply cherished. I feel humbled and can only hope I can begin to earn it by being a good human being and a better servant to my own country and to the people of the world.

Now, let me begin by talking about Thailand. Whenever I travel to any country, I always try and observe what future of that particular nation is likely to be. How successful or how difficult and why? I do this because there is so much that I can learn from other countries, their people, their culture and their experiences.



The University Council of Rangsit University has unanimously agreed to confer an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics to HRH Crown Prince Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, in recognition of his substantial contributions in leadership and national development. The University has considered his wisdom and his strategies in developing his country and his people, and in enhancing their quality of life.

External Links
Bhutan Government Rangsit University RSU
Source: Rangsit University, Thailand, 2006

December 14, 2006
His Majesty King Jigme Singye Wangchuk said that the responsibilities of the Throne would be delegated to the Chhoetse Penlop before 2008. His Royal Highness Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck will be enthroned as the fifth Druk Gyalpo in 2008.
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