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Wanglung in Bumthang
Ku-Sung-Thug-Ten Mendrel and Tshewang - 2003
Bumthang Thousands of devotees offered the Ku-Sung-Thug-Ten Mendrel and received the Tshewang from Drupwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche marking the conclusion of the two-week wanglung (blessing and oral transmission) ceremony at Kurje lhakhang in Bumthang. The ceremony concludes this morning, with the unfurling of the Thongdroel of Jakar Dzong in Kurje Lhakhang followed by mask dances.

Over two weeks the Rinpoche conducted the Jamgoen Mipham Kabum Wanglung, Kamai Gyumthrul Zhithroi Wanglung, Kadue Chokyi Gyamtshoi Wanglung, Soldep Liudhunmai Lung and Nyingthig Yazhi Wanglung to about 20,000 devotees from all corners of the country as well as Trulkus, Khenpos, monks and nuns and lay devotees from outside.

Kurjey Lhakhang near Jakar, Bumthang

Temples are usually one or two-storied buildings with a wide red stripe at the upper level of the walls and a gilded roof ornament. A small courtyard may be enclosed in the walls with the residence of the lame attached to it. Inside, the ceiling is supported by pillars, which divide the space into a shrine and an antechamber, and the walls are covered with paintings.

The altar occupies one side of the shrine with the other side usually devoted to protective deities. The rest of the space is left empty to be used by devotees for performanceof rituals. Many temples are also housed in monasteries and dzongs.

As prophesied by the great Dzogtruel Thupten Choeki Dorje and the great scholar Khenchen Ngagyi Wangpo, Pema Norbu Rinpoche was born in the clan of Thragthung Duedjom Droduel Lingpa as the incarnation of Rigzin Pelchenduepa the second Drupwang. Pema Norbu Rinpoche was formally recognised and crowned as the dual incarnation of Penchen Vimala and Damzin Yeshey Roelpatsel by Chogtruel Thupten Choekyi Dawa and Khendup Karma Kuchen in the presence of thousands of prominent scholars and highly accomplished spiritual figures in Palyul Namgyel Jangchubling. He learnt all the sciences and the boundless Sutras and Tantras comfortably at an early age from great scholars like Nueden Khentselodroe and Khenchen Goendrup and became the main source of reference to the Ngagyur Kater tradition. He also studied with many prominent scholars and is recognised as a highly accomplished Master. He received all kinds of empowerments, transmission and instructions from Thupten Choekyi Dawa Rinpoche, Karma Kuchen Rinpoche and Lama Gongdue. He entered into strict retreat with his master Chogtruel Rinpoche for many years and actualised the experience of inner wisdom for which he is widely known in the Buddhist world.

Among other oral transmissions, empowerments and studies, Pema Norbu Rinpoche has undertaken the Namchoe, Gongdue, Terma revelation of Ratnalingpa, Karling Zhithro, Jatshonterkha and Longchennyingthig as his major practice. Namdroling monastic institution in Mysore, Karnataka state, South India, one of the largest Buddhist centres in the world, is the main seat of His Holiness. Bhutanese, Tibetans, Monpas and Sherpas comprise the monk body in Namdroling.

Pema Norbu Rinpoche The Queen

The wanglung ceremony was organised on the request of Her Majesty the Queen Mother Ashi Kesang Choden Wangchuck and the Gangteng Trulku, Kuenzang Pema Namgyal .

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