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86th session of the National Assembly
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86th session of the National Assembly
the 5th Druk Gyalpo, HM Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
The 86th session of the National Assembly which began on December 22, took on a historical significance with the presence of His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck who graced the opening session for the first time as the fifth Druk Gyalpo after taking over the responsibilities as the Monarch and head of state.

On the morning of December 22, the second day of the 11th Bhutanese month (Male Fire Dog Year) representatives of the government, clergy and the people escorted His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck to the Assembly hall in a traditional chipdrel procession.

The formal opening, with the marchang and the zhugdrel ceremony, was attended by the members of the royal family, representatives of the Bhutanese government, the public, and the international community. The opening ceremony was telecast live nationwide.

In his welcome address the Speaker of the National Assembly, Dasho Ugen Dorje, said that it was an auspicious occasion for every Bhutanese as it was the first time His Majesty the fifth King of Bhutan, was gracing the National Assembly session.

"I, on behalf of the National Assembly members would like to express our heartfelt Tashi Delek to His Majesty the fifth King, may the country and the people experience unprecedented peace and prosperity under His Majesty," he said.

The Speaker recounted the phenomenal socio-economic development that Bhutan had enjoyed over the 34 years in an atmosphere of peace and prosperity under the reign of His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck.

the 5th Druk Gyalpo, HM Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
Dasho Ugen Dorje said that the fourth Druk Gyalpo His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who selflessly dedicated himself to the service of the people had consolidated and crystallised the foundation of the country, had assured the sovereignty and security of the nation and led the country to unprecedented socio-economic development.

"I would like to submit that no deeds will be able to repay His Majesty the fourth King, for bequeathing us a nation that has seen unprecedented balanced socio-economic development, peace and prosperity and ensured a secure, stable and happy nation both for present and future generation," said the Speaker.

He said that the stage of development, which the National Assembly has reached this far, would not have been possible without the benevolence and continued guidance of His Majesty.

"I, on behalf of the National Assembly would like to express our deep and heartfelt gratitude to His Majesty the fourth Druk Gyalpo and we further appeal to His Majesty to continue to give guidance to the National Assembly and we offer our sincere prayers for the long life of His Majesty," he said.Dasho Ugen Dorje also reminded the members that His Majesty had visited New Delhi, India, in July this year during which Bhutan and India extended their agreement on trade, commerce, and transit for another 10 years, signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of hydroelectric power, and a protocol to the agreement on the Tala hydroelectric project to establish the tariff for the export of power from Bhutan to India.

The speaker also reminded the Assembly that during the special sitting of the cabinet on December 14, His Majesty the King handed over his responsibilities as the Monarch and the head of state of Bhutan to the Crown Prince, the people were overcome with indescribable grief and sadness.

"However, His Majesty the fifth King under the guidance of his illustrious father is also well groomed in our traditional driglam choesum and is well versed in the art of governance and statecraft," said Dasho Ugen Dorje. "As the Bhutanese saying goes, Pha zang ge bu, Gye zang ge shup, Pha dra bu dra, ser lay koen, we have full faith and confidence in His Royal Highness the Trongsa Penlop for taking on the responsibilities of the fifth King of Bhutan."

"I would also like to appeal to His Majesty to provide continuous guidance and direction to the National Assembly keeping with the changing times, as was bestowed by His Majesty the fourth Druk Gyalpo," Dasho Ugen Dorji said, adding that the National Assembly members repose their full faith and confidence and sincerely pledge their loyalty and dedication to His Majesty the fifth King of Bhutan.

Contributed by Rinzin Wangchuk, Kuensel, Bhutan's national newspaper, 2006
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