5th Druk Gyalpo - Reports |
Bhutan Royal Family The King |
Bhutan Royal Family |
Royal Address at the Concluding Ceremony of the 3rd Session of Parliament 2009
On the occasion of the concluding ceremony of the 3rd session of Parliament, I congratulate the elected government of the Druk Phuensum Tshokpa on the completion of one year and four months in office. In these early days of a new political system while bearing great responsibilities you have, despite the limited resources, successfully carried out the difficult duties of government in service of the Tsawasum.
HM Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
and Prime Minister Lyonchhen Jigmi Y Thinley (left) |
The Opposition, though comprised of only two members, has through diligence and commitment, fulfilled the important duties of the Opposition party enshrined in the Constitution.
The members of the National Council, in the interest of the country's future, have shouldered their profound duties with accomplishment.
I must express my deep gratitude and appreciation to the government and the members of parliament. It is with complete trust and faith that I look upon you to serve the People and Country. In doing so you have my wholehearted support.
We must also acknowledge that in preparation for democracy we had entrusted immense responsibilities on our civil servants and judiciary as well as on constitutional bodies such as the Royal Audit Authority, Anti-corruption Commission and Election Commission, which they have fulfilled in the service of the nation. Henceforth, for a vibrant and successful democracy, we must continue to support and strengthen these institutions.
Media - newspapers, television, radio and the Internet - must play a very important role. I appreciate that while some of the media agencies are young and lack adequate resources they have strived to perform their duties with complete commitment. Hereafter, media will be vital in keeping people well informed and in encouraging debate and participation - key to a vibrant democracy. Therefore, I have decided that through the exercise of my Royal Prerogative of Kidu, to strengthen media agencies so that they may carry out their duties, without fear or favour, in the interest of democracy.
Today, whenever there is time, I travel across the country to the villages. It is when I sit in the houses of my people, eat our meals together and discuss the lives and aspirations of each family, that I am most content. And while I am there I try, in small ways, to help them with their most pressing problems. Nothing is as rewarding as knowing that I have made their lives a little more comfortable, a little more secure and happier.
There is no substitute for being able to see the problems of the people personally. For when I carry out my duties, I shall remember the faces of the people whom I must serve and I will know the ways in which I can serve them best.
It is also while I am in the villages that I come across so many people serving the country in such important ways, but who are rarely recognized and acknowledged. There is the civil servant, teacher, health worker and local government staff working in remote places and serving their country well. Our development projects are supported by the hard work of the daily-wage worker and those in the national work force. There is the small entrepreneur or the farmer working hard to feed his or her family. Such people are the backbone of our nation.
I have said before that the future is what we make of it. What work we do with our two hands today, and the sacrifices we make will shape the future of our nation. To each and every loyal, hardworking and law-abiding citizen I offer my deepest gratitude.
Now, I always say that when we work together we must be frank and forthright. Today, everywhere people are concerned about the disagreements between important institutions of government. I want to tell my people that when such disagreements arise, there is no need to worry. It means that the members of these institutions have embraced their duties wholeheartedly. However, we must be careful not to defer problems but resolve them as soon as they arise.
It is not the disagreements that our people should be concerned about; it is the manner in which they are resolved. Frankly, these disagreements have given us a great opportunity to set the right precedent for future politicians, governments and people. If the institutions in question can sit together, keeping national interest above all else, and resolve their problems, it will be an auspicious sign that democracy has a great future in Bhutan.
As King I have the sacred duty to look beyond the next one or two, or even five or ten years. It is my duty to serve the People such that, for generation after generation, era upon era our nation becomes stronger, more prosperous and happier. Therefore, from where I stand, I do not see different players such as the National Assembly, National Council, Cabinet or Bureaucracy.
What do I see?
I see our small landlocked country. I see our small Bhutanese family. Then I see this immense world in which we have the challenge and responsibility to stand on our own feet and build a nation into which our future generations will always feel proud, secure and happy to be born.
This is what I see.
I truly believe that we have a special, unique and strong nation because of our People - the jewel of Bhutan. Throughout history our people have always worked as One Nation with One Vision. So, today, it is my hope that you will uphold this unity of spirit and purpose and resolve all disagreements in the interest of our People and Country, now and in the future.
Tashi Delek
by Rinzin Wangchuk and Tenzing Lamsang, Bhutan's National Newspaper, July 2009 |
Tashichhodzong |