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His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
The 5th Druk Gyalpo
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Translation of HM's address on National Day
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Translation of His Majesty's address on National Day

the 5th Druk Gyalpo, HM Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck

As I stand before you today, on the auspicious occasion of the National Day of Bhutan, I find myself at a loss for words. For 34 years His Majesty the King has been the heart and essence of the nation, her King and guardian, our parent and inspiration.

The immense achievements of His Majesty, including the legacy of a sound democratic constitutional monarchy, are milestones not only in the history of our small kingdom but that of the world.

There is a vast difference in the kingdom of the Pelden Drukpa today and that of the past. The country that is before us, the country that we see and know, the country that has been handed to us, is the country which His Majesty built through his selfless service over the past 34 years.

I believe this momentous occasion is a time for reflection. For deep in our hearts, as Bhutanese citizens, we will be able to see beyond the pain of His Majesty's selfless act and find that this special nation built by His Majesty is left to none other than the people of Bhutan. Such devolution is a source of great optimism for our future. I share His Majesty's complete faith in the people and I believe that we will, as His Majesty has bestowed today, leave to our own children such a gift in 30 years.

To our parents, elders and many generations of Bhutanese I offer my deep gratitude for your loyalty to His Majesty the King, my father.

To our youth I say that, as the leaders of the future, you will find in His Majesty's reign the inspiration, motivation and example for our own road ahead. For, if you know the history of Bhutan you will understand what His Majesty the King has achieved and how priceless the nation we have is.

"Henceforth, our responsibilities will always be first and foremost, the peace and tranquility of the nation; the sovereignty and security of our country; the fulfilling of the vision of Gross National Happiness and; the strengthening of this new system of democracy."

"To fulfill these aspirations, in this age, we must first build a strong and dynamic economy. And in doing so we must remember, that as a landlocked nation with a small population, it is vital that whatever we do, we work harder and do it better than other nations. For our small kingdom, excellence must be the only standard."

His Majesty has placed his full trust in us and we the people must fulfill his vision and our own duty to future generations of Bhutanese.

I pray for the continued peace and prosperity of this nation of ours - blessed by Guru Padmasambhava and our guardian deities and founded on the vision and legacy of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal and His Majesty the King Jigme Singye Wangchuck.

This article was contributed by Kuensel, Bhutan's national newspaper, 2006

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