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Thimphu: A face-lift for Changlimithang
The new Changlimithang stadium
Coronation at Changlimithang stadium
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Thimphu: A face-lift for Changlimithang

The Changlimithang national stadium, one of the main venues for the celebrations in 2008, will be able to seat 30,000 people when renovations are completed.

A blueprint of the stadium
The Ministry of Works and Human Settlement in conjunction with the National Steering Committee for the Coronation Celebrations (NSCCC) has drawn an elaborate plan to revamp the stadium, which was built in 1974 to celebrate the coronation of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo. "The present six rows of stands for the public would be increased to 21 to accommodate more people," said the ministry's landscape architect, Karma T. Wangchuk. "The old stand was designed to accommodate only about 10,000 people."

The stands would stretch from the old squash building, which has already been demolished, to the archery range and spill over the old basketball court. Underneath the stands, there would be several rooms created which could be used for indoor games like table tennis, shooting, bathing and changing rooms.

The present building housing the Bhutan Olympic Committee office would also be demolished and a new three-storey building would be built attached to the extended public stands.

Two additional wings would be added to the Royal Pavilion to accommodate 80 more guests.

The Changlimithang Banquet hall would be renovated and used as a dining area for guests attending the celebrations.

The entrance to the stadium from the Chang Lam road would have stalls for people to sell their wares during games and other celebrations.

The space between the riverbank and the Changlimithang parking lot would be converted into a park complete with lights, greenery and park benches. The about Nu. 2 million park would be named as the Coronation Park.

Another park near the archery range towards Changzamtog would also be created.

Meanwhile, football enthusiasts will have to find other venues since the ground would soon be closed. stand was designed to accommodate only about 10,000 people."

According to site engineer, Kezang Phuntsho of the Department of Urban Development and Housing, the ministry was in the process of preparing the cost estimate of the whole project.

"Once that is done we will tender out the construction of the stands and the buildings to private construction firms," he said.

Kezang Phuntsho said that tendering out the works were important because the construction had to be finished by November 2007.

The total area of Changlimithang is about 11 hectares.

Contributed by Kinley Y Dorji, Kuensel, Bhutan's National Newspaper 2006


The new Changlimithang stadium
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