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The Maoist conflict: Headlines
January 2004 - February 2004
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Headlines 2003

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January 2004 . January 2004
Jan 01
» Clashes continue in different parts of the country
» Chitwan: Maoist loot bank again
» U.S. Embassy warned Americans of possible Maoist attacks once more.
Jan 03
» WFP,GTZ urge Maoists to return looted rice: WFP and GTZ have condemned the looting of the rice by Maoists. The rice belonged to the community working groups of the Rural Community Infrastructure Works in Bajura
» Mechi and Koshi zones: A strike called by ANNISU, the student wing of Maoist rebels, Saturday brought life to a standstill 
»Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA): Maoist leader Ram Bahadur Thapa has bank account(s) in Singapore
Jan 09
» Maoist chief Prachanda: Royal audience a tactic to split parties. Maoists have responded to the series of audiences by the King
» Gandaki zone: Life affected by Maoist called strike in Pokhara and vicinity. Security personnel have been heavily patrolling Pokhara, Tanahu and Syangja bazaars.
Jan 11
» Achham, Kalikot and Bajura: Maoists to hold elections in the Maoist-controlled heartland of mid-western Nepal in January 2004
» Ramechhap: Maoists banned import of rice to create a problem for a army camp. Beginning ofan acute shortage of rice-grain in this area.
» Rolpa:  Joint Revolutionary Council at Thawang village of Rolpa have declared an "autonomous region of Magarat"
» India:  Indian police has arrested three Indian gunrunners supplying the Maoists with weapons
» Nepal Supreme Court:  Maoist conflict - Geneva Convention not applicable
 Jan 13
» Surkhet: Maoists are ready to join hands with foreign States - with the exception of the US and the UK - if the donors are ready to cooperate with their local government in the field of development.
» Royal Nepal Army statement: A brigade commander of Bheri-Karnali division surrendered together with a company commander of Seti-Mahakali division to the local administration
» Travel agents: Significant rise in the number of trekkers who want to meet Maoist rebels along their trekking routes in recent months.
Jan 18
» Birgunj: Suspected Maoists shot dead the Mayor of Birgunj
» Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council : DGHC's chairman said: "King should impose emergency without any delay and head towards forming a new constitution."
» Maoist top leader Prachanda: Maoists for constituent assembly under UN supervision
» RNA: 1500 died in post-ceasefire break period. 1200 of them were Maoists.
Jan 21
» Jajarkot: The Royal Nepalese Army launched massive air raids. The raid was targeted at a mass meeting of the militants at China Kadam bordering Salma and Junga Thapachaur VDCs in this district.
Jan 24
» Maoist senior leader Krishna Bahadur Mahara: CPN Maoist was ready to accept monarchy if King was ready to leave his leadership in the army.
» Maoist senior leader Krishna Bahadur Mahara: CPN Maoist was ready for talks, but government must be clear on its agenda regarding the talks. Maoists have 80 percent of the total territory in Nepal under its control.
Jan 28
» Nepalgunj: Maoist declared local bandh (closing day) against the felicitation of the king
February 2004 . February 2004
Feb 02
» The government will soon formulate a Defense policy to clarify Nepal's position towards signing the international Ottawa Treaty that bans landmines
» European Union (EU) ambassadors to Nepal urge Nepal to reach new ceasefire with Maoists
Feb 04
» Amnesty International: Government and international community should to take urgent measures to prevent the country from sliding towards a human rights catastrophe
» Students step up protests to fight for a republican state
» Maoist top leader Prachanda: Maoist CPN-M welcoming calls for peace. Party the party would accept United Nations mediation.
Feb 06
» Parsa: RNA attacked Maoist meeting. Maoists suffered high dead toll.
» Anniversary of Maoist rebellion: Authorities fear the rebels may step up violence Kathmandu. Kathmandu Municipality banned  motor-cycle riders and pillion passengers from using visored helmets and dust masks
Feb 07
» Karnali zone: DDCs are displaying an interest in working with the rebels. It would be better to involve the Maoists in development activities since there is no other way to function.
» Nepal Maoist Victim Association threatend by Maoists. Maoist rebels have accused the association of spying on the Maoists.
Feb 10
» Nepali Congress President G. P. Koirala would not have any objections if the UN came forward to mediate peace negotiations between Nepali government and Maoist rebels.
» The security forces have tightened security and are on high alert in the capital prior to the Maoists' ninth anniversary of the peoples' war in Nepal.
» Maoist rebels have increased attacks in various regions across the country prior to their anniversary.
Feb 12
» India has handed over two senior Nepalese Maoist rebel leaders to Nepal,
»India would help Nepal tackle its long-running Maoist insurgency
» Narayani zones (Chitwan): Maoists' bandh (closing day) in Bagmati
» Narayani zones (Chitwan): Maoists' bandh (closing day) in Bagmati
»Maoists' website run from Canada
Feb 13
» February 13 marks the 8th anniversary of the Maoists' "People's War"
Feb 14
» Maoists:  Rebel's offer to accept the monarchy made by Maoist senior leader last month was incorrect
» CPN-Maoists: No compromise on rebel's main demand of creating a republic. Party prepared to accept a democratic, multi-party republic.
» Indian officials: India is no longer a safe country for Nepali rebels
» Maoist top leader Prachanda: India's government have distanced themselves even further from the hearts of the Nepali people.
»Amnesty International: Maoists still appear to be targeting civilians and non-combatants and indulging in human rights violations such as abductions,  executions, kidnappings, torturing prisoners, money extortions, conscripting fighters and using child soldiers. AI found found evidence of judicial killings by the security forces.
» Recent clashes in Achham, Bara, Dhading, Dhanusha,Parsa, Ramechhap and Sarlahi districts
» Central region: Maoist bandh witnessed sporadic incidents of violence, but ended without major clashes
Feb 15
» Recent clashes in Dhankuta, Kavrepalanchok, Gulmi, Nuwakot, Panchthar, Sunsari, Sindhuli, districts
»  Head of an anti-Maoist organisation "Maoist Victims' Association" has been shot dead two days after leading anti-Maoist protests
» NSEC released the Human Rights Yearbook 2003
» UN Special Envoy has called the government and the Maoists to sign the Human Rights Peace Accord and expressed concern over growing human rights violations
Feb 17
» Kalikot: RNA launched a major offensive against Maoists rebels gathered in the area. "Death toll of the rebels was very", official sources said. A rebel's statement denied heavy casualties.
» Rebel strike shuts Nepal capital for the second time in less than a week
Feb 22
» Members of German Parliament visiting Nepal condemned human rights violation
» King Gyanendra appeal for national unity
» Khotang: Fierce battle in eastern part of the district. Several security personnel have died. Maoist casualties still unknown.
» Kathmandu: Anti-monarchy protests. Maoists to capitalise on the political deadlock.
Feb 23
» ANNISU (R), the student wing of CPN (Maoists) has called for a five-day general strike from February 25-29
» Maoists' move: Ready for referendum on constituent assembly
» "Maoists' cultural programmes": Activists continue to abduct students and teachers
» National Education Day appeal: Making schools and colleges a peace zone! Human right and social activists, diplomats and international donors are supporting this appeal
» Kanchanpur: French tourist van rocked by Maoist land mine blast
Feb 27
» First day of the strike: Maoists planted different bombs at different places in Kathmandu. RNA personnel defused the bombs.
» Signs of hope?: Maoist student organisation cut short its five-day strike after widespread defiance by the students and the people elsewhere in the country. Strike called off!
» RNA: Security forces captured two central leaders of Communist Party of Nepal (CPN-Maoist)
» PM Thapa: Polls by mid-October possible
» US Ambassador to Nepal: Formation of an all-party government and declaration of general elections first step for a peaceful solution
» FSU ( Free Student Union) polls: 50 per cent of the electorate went to the polls
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