News for Tourists
Press Freedom
April 30, 2005: Nepal's state of emergency ended.

February 2005: A state of emergency was imposed. 
Complete censorship of the media has been introduced and civil rights have been suspended.

Nepal Crisis 2005
Press Freedom Links Nepal Reports News Links
State of Emergency: Censorship of the Media
March 2005
Nepal curbs reporting on rebels
Censorship has been an integral part of the king's emergency
The authorities in Nepal have banned independent media coverage of the country's Maoist insurgency.
The move tightens censorship imposed a month ago after King Gyanendra staged a coup, imposed an emergency and appointed his own cabinet.
The information ministry notice says no media outlet will be allowed to publish news about the rebels unless they get the information from security forces.
The Maoists are fighting to replace the monarchy with a communist republic.

RAOnline is a politically independent source of information.
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