Electoral Expert Monitoring Team leaves Nepal
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Electoral Expert Monitoring Team leaves Nepal
Kathmandu 25 June 2007 (UN News)

The United Nations Electoral Expert Monitoring Team (EEMT), established under the mandate of the Security Council resolution 1740, left Nepal after completing the first of a number of visits.

The five-member team is comprised of Dr. Rafael Lopez-Pintor, the team leader (Spain), Ayman Ayoub (Syria), Stefanie Lüethy (Switzerland), Antonio Reis (Brazil), and Bong-Scuk Sohn (Republic of Korea).

During its 2 weeks visit, the five-member team held a wide range of introductory meetings with national as well as international actors to gather information and listen to their views related to the electoral process, and to explain its role. In addition to meetings in the capital, members of the EEMT travelled to Biratnagar, Bhojpur and Kavrepalanchowk. They met with the Prime Minister, the Peace Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Industry, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislature-Parliament, election Commission Commissioners and staff, political party leaders, civil society organizations and national and international electoral observers groups.

Appointed by the Secretary-General, members of the EEMT are responsible for assessing the electoral process on a regular basis in order to determine whether it is proceeding in a manner which will lead to a result that accurately reflects the will of the Nepalese people.

The EEMT reports to the Secretary-General on the conduct of the election. The Secretary-General will share reports of the EEMT with the Government of Nepal. The EEMT is not a part of UNMIN. It operates separately from the UNMIN Electoral Assistance Office, which provides technical assistance to the Elections Commission.

Source: United Nations News Service 2007
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