Brief departure of Maoists from cantonment sites sparks UN concern
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Brief departure of Maoists from cantonment sites sparks UN concern
Kathmandu 14 September 2007 (UN News and UNMIN)

The United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) has voiced concern that large numbers of Maoist soldiers today briefly left one of the cantonment sites where they had agreed to stay as part of last year's peace accord ending the conflict in the Himalayan country.

Maoist army personnel were observed this morning outside the main cantonment site in Nawalparasi and its satellite sites in the western region of Nepal, UNMIN said in a press release, adding that it had deployed three mobile teams to monitor the situation.

"This is a serious violation of commitments made in the agreement of arms and armed personnel reached between the Maoists and their partners in the Interim Government," UNMIN stated.

The mission said it had conveyed its concerns to the political and military leadership of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), which advised that it had ordered the immediate return of personnel to the cantonment sites.

Under last year's agreement ending the civil war, the Maoists agreed that their combatants would be confined at the cantonment sites, where they and their weapons can be registered and verified, in the lead-up to Constituent Assembly elections scheduled for November.

UNMIN said in its press release that "while the verification process of Maoist army personnel is proceeding well, implementing the commitments in relation to the management of arms and armed personnel, without exception, is essential to the overall peace process and in particular to preparing a free and fair atmosphere for the Constituent Assembly election."

UNMIN Press Release
14 September 2007
UNMIN has this morning monitored the movement of large numbers of Maoist army
personnel outside the main cantonment site in Nawalparasi and its satellite sites, in the
western region. This is a serious violation of commitments made in the agreement on the
management of arms and armed personnel reached between the Maoists and their partners in
the Interim Government.
UNMIN deployed three mobile teams to monitor this movement of Maoist army personnel.
UNMIN has communicated its concerns direct to the political and military leadership of the
CPN (Maoist), who advised that it ordered the immediate return of personnel to the
While the verification process of Maoist army personnel is proceeding well, implementing
the commitments in relation to the management of arms and armed personnel, without
exception, is essential to the overall peace process and in particular to preparing a free and
fair atmosphere for the Constituent Assembly election.

Location: Chitwan, Nepal
Source: UNMIN 2007, United Nations News Service
PLA Cantonments
UN Nepal Information