Registration and storage of Nepal Army weapons begins
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Registration and storage of Nepal Army weapons begins
Kathmandu 11 April 2007 (UNMIN)

The United Nations Mission in Nepal today began the registration and storage of Nepal Army weapons at the Chhauni Barracks in Kathmandu. The registration and storage process is expected to take place over three days.

The Nepal Army today presented approximately 850 weapons for registration and storage by UN teams on the first day of registration. Fourteen United Nations registration teams, supported by the UNDP, registered each weapon individually, attaching a barcode to each weapon before it was stored in one of fourteen large containers. Seventy registration staff are engaged in this process. UNMIN arms monitors are present throughout the registration process, and will maintain a 24-hour presence at Chhauni Barracks from today to monitor the weapons. Surveillance cameras have been installed at the site to ensure 24-hour electronic monitoring.

These arrangements for registration and storage of weapons are identical for those in place for the Maoist army.

Under the Agreement on Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies (AMMAA), the Nepal Army agreed to register and safely store under UNMIN monitoring an equivalent number of weapons to those stored by the Maoist army. The number of weapons stored by the Maoist army is 2855; in addition the Maoist army maintains 524 weapons for cantonment perimeter security (30 at each divisional site, and 14-15 at each satellite site) and continues to hold 96 weapons pending an agreement on arrangements for leadership security.

Registration and storage of the Nepal Army weapons represents the final step of the first phase of registration of arms and combatants. The second phase will be the verification of Maoist combatants, and this will commence shortly.

"I am very pleased with the weapons registration process today, which has gone smoothly. The Nepal Army has provided full cooperation in this registration and weapons storage process, and I am confident that we will complete the process this week,"said General Jan Erik Wilhelmsen, the UNMIN official in charge of the monitoring of arms and armies.

Location: Chitwan, Nepal
Source: UNMIN 2007
PLA Cantonments
UN Nepal Information