Maoists in Nepal

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Facts on Maoists
CPN-Maoist: Organsiation and Structure
up to 2005
CPN-Maoist: Politburo
People's Liberation Army PLA
Recommendation: Book on Nepali Maoists

organisation and Structure up to 2005
Top of CPN-M
The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) CPN-M consists of the Standing Committee at the top, followed by the Politburo, and the central committee. The Politburo issues directives with the assistance of an approximately 25-member Central Committee.
People's Liberation Army (LPA)
The main armed component of the People's Liberation Army (LPA) consists of six guerrilla battalions, which launches military action in response to instructions relayed through their individual chief commissars (one per battalion), who are central committee members.
The Politburo and Standing Committee formulate most of the political and strategic policies. The standing committee, with approximately ten members, is the most powerfully body in the CPN-M.
There are five regional bureaus: eastern, central, Kathmandu valley, western and international department.
The Maoists have three divisions, nine brigades, 31 battalions, 96 central committee members, 27 politburo members, 14 standing committee members.
Maoists in Nepal