Nepal 2007: Facts on the Conflict
MJF and Interim Government enter into a 22 -point Agreement
September 2007
MJF and Interim Government enter into a 22 -point Agreement
The agreement has many flaws - it is not all inclusive with many splinter armed groups still on a rampage and the main demand of the MJF- proportional representation has been given up. But we would still call it as a major beginning with many miles to go and yet it is a good beginning.
Salient Points:
The full text of the agreement is not yet available, but the salient points as ascertained are
MJF and Interim Government
22 -point Agreement
The Interim government has agreed to provide compensation to the families of all those killed during the recent Madhesi movement.
Cases filed against the MJF leaders and the cadres will be withdrawn.
Both sides agreed to set up an industrial security force.s
Madhesi language, culture and customs will get national recognition.
Dalits to get due recognition by law and job opportunities
State would ensure 'balanced' and 'proportional' representation of marginalised communities that would include Madhesi, indigenous/nationalities, disabled, minorities and Muslims in all State structures.
The Government agrees to autonomy in a federal system of governance while restructuring the State keeping the country's sovereignty, unity and regional integrity in tact.
There will be a three-language formula- with Nepali, English and mother tongue in all official transactions.
State agrees to despatch teams immediately to Terai to distribute citizenship certificates to those deprived.
Legal provisions for education up to the primary level, reservation in education and employment and land to the landless and to address the plight of the Dalits.
An inclusive commission to be set up for proper representation of all marginalised communities..
Announce public holidays in important festivals of the Muslim community.
Proportional distribution of the revenue income to Madhesh and the remote areas of the country.
Return of properties and personal arms seized by the Maoists to the respective owners.
Constitutional Assembly will decide the nature of boundaries and rights of autonomous states under a federal structure on the basis of suggestions received from the State Restructuring Commission.
The Flaws.
By Dr. S. Chandrasekharan
Source: SAAG2007