Reports on Nepal's Civil War
Nepal's Civil War
November 2006
Peace deal ends Nepal's civil war

Under the deal, the rebels will join a transitional government and their weapons will be under UN monitoring.
Both sides have been accused of human rights abuses in fighting that has left more than 13,000 people dead.
Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala and Maoist rebel leader Prachanda signed the deal in Kathmandu.
"This ends the more than one decade of civil war in the country," Prachanda said after the deal was signed.

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Peace deal ends Nepal's civil war
(November 2006) - external link

November 2006

Nepal rebels make peace promise

Nepal's rebel leader, Prachanda, has said the Maoists will use politics not violence to "meet the aspirations of the people's longing for peace".

Nepalese politicians along with giant neighbour India and the US and UK have welcomed the peace accord between the government and the rebels.

The deal will see the Maoists join an interim government within a month.
There are genuine hopes the deal will end the decade-long conflict.

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Nepal rebels make peace promise
(November 2006) - external link
Nepal: SPA Government - CPN(M) Agreement
Full text
(November 2006) - BBC News
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top November 2006

SPA-Maoists Agreement

- Respecting the mandate expressed in favour of democracy, peace and forward movement through the historical struggles and revolutions staged frequently by Nepali people since pre-1950 era till the present,

- Reconfirming full commitment to the 12-point understanding between the seven political parties and the CPN (Maoist), the 8-point agreement and the 25-point ceasefire codes of conduct as well as all the understandings, agreements and codes of conducts between the Nepal Government and the CPN (Maoist), including the letter of consensus sent to the United Nations,

- Pledging to do a forward looking restructuring of the state by resolving class, ethnic, regional and gender related problems existing in the country, Reiterating full commitments to competitive multiparty democratic system, civil liberty, individual rights, human rights, full press freedom and the concept of rule of law as well as democratic norms and values, ...

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SPA-Maoists Agreement - Full text
(November 2006) - external link
Himalayan Times
Nepal: SPA Government - CPN(M) Agreement
Full text
(November 2006) - BBC News
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topNovember 2006

Nepal's Maoists agree peace deal

The Nepalese government and Maoist rebels have agreed a peace deal aimed at ending the 10-year insurgency.

The agreement will see the rebels join a transitional government, while their arms will be put under UN supervision.

One major issue causing disagreement - the future of the monarchy - will be solved by a constituent assembly to be elected next year.

Government negotiators told the BBC the agreement covered all issues affecting Nepal's future.

The Maoists entered into negotiations with the government after a popular uprising in April forced King Gyanendra to end his direct rule and appoint a multi-party government.

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Nepal's Maoists agree peace deal
(November 2006) - external link

topNovember 2006

SPA government and the Maoists seal the historic deals

The marathon summit meeting between the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) government and the Maoists has finally produced a historic deal paving way for formal entry of the Maoists into the peaceful political mainstream.

The deal lists a timetable as per which the Maoists will be joining the interim government on December 1.

The deal includes agreement on all issues such as fate of monarchy, arms management, interim constitution, interim legislature, interim government and electoral system for Constituent Assembly.

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SPA government and the Maoists seal the historic deal
(November 2006) - external link