Reports on Nepal's Civil War
Nepal's Civil War
January 2007
Nepal - rocky path to democracy?

Nepal Maoists prepare to take oath in the under the interim constitution.

Nepal's parliament witnessed another landmark in the peace process on Monday evening, the clearest indication yet that the Maoists are firmly set on a political path.

Wearing scarves against the winter cold, the new parliamentarians read out the oath of office and secrecy in a chorus.

Perhaps "colourful" would not be the right word, given the Maoists' chosen uniform of grey.

But the scenes as their new MPs took their seats were extraordinary.

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Nepal - rocky path to democracy?
(January 2007) - external link

top January 2007

Nepal: Little peace for the peacekeepers

For years Nepal provided foot soldiers for UN peacekeeping missions far and wide. Now the UN is coming to Nepal on a different kind of peacekeeping mission - to oversee the fragile peace accord that the government in Kathmandu signed with the Maoist insurgents in late 2006. It won't be an easy task.

Nepal's fledgling peace process is becoming one of the first preoccupations of the new United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon. Next Thursday, the Security Council is expected to discuss and approve a plan for setting up a field office with the twin responsibilities of monitoring movement of arms and armies (belonging both to Maoist insurgents and to the state) and extending assistance for conducting polls for a constituent assembly, initially scheduled for June.

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Nepal: Little peace for the peacekeepers
(January 2007) - external link
ASIA Times