Nepal 2007: On the Way to Democracy and Peace
Crisis Management Initiative:
An inclusive peace process in Nepal and the role of the EU
November 2007
An inclusive peace process in Nepal and the role of the EU
HELSINKI, 30 November 2007, Crisis Management Initiative
CMI has published the report "An Inclusive Peace process in Nepal and the Role of the EU", which presents recommendations for the EU and Member States on how best to support and promote the quality of the national peace process in Nepal.

The report is an analysis of the inclusiveness of the Nepalese peace process, and it presents recommendations for the EU and Member States on how best to support and promote the quality of the national peace process in Nepal. The report will be launched alongside with International Alert's paper: "Peacebuilding in Eastern DRC: Improving EU support for economic recovery".

The findings of the two reports will be discussed in a roundtable event: "How Can the EU Improve its Support to Peacebuilding Processes" on 5 December 2007 in Brussels. The event will gather together participants from the EC and civil society in Europe.

Executive Summary

In supporting sustainable peace and enhancing long-term and coherent peace-building, Crisis Management Initiative advocates for conflict sensitive policy and decision-making procedures. In the field of peacebuilding, conflict sensitivity can be understood as a tool to be used to ensure and to promote the quality of national peace processes. This work is an on-going, self-reflective process and includes:

advocating for the importance of conflict sensitivity of all actors, including international, national and local, when working in conditions of unsustainable peace. This is pivotal in order to understand that every action has an impact on the local context and that preserving national peace should always be the first priority of every action.

facilitating the co-operation and communication between different stakeholders working in conflict-prone and conflict-affected situations. It is crucial to have common policies and practices in order to minimise the negative and maximise the positive impacts of each action.

enhancing the inclusion of local civil society and excluded groups in recruiting and choosing local partners in order to not to create local tensions. developing a conflict analysis tool to ensure the conflict sensitivity of CMI's own projects in their planning, implementation and evaluation.

Against this background and to promote a strategic and synergistic approach to peace-building in Nepal, a research on the inclusiveness of the peace process in Nepal was carried out. The project was conducted at two levels. First the issue of inclusion was discussed separately at policy and
grassroots levels in Brussels and in Nepal. On the basis of the initial findings, a roundtable discussion was organized to bring together a group of Nepalese organisations to discuss the results. In the second phase, the series of consultation was enlargened and a dialogue between the donors and Nepalese organizations was facilitated. Both donors and local organizations were encouraged to identify concrete proposals to improve the donors'awareness on the issue of marginalisation in Nepal. The key findings of this consultation process form the basis for this report.

Source: Crisis Management Initiative 2007
An inclusive peace process in Nepal and the role of the EU
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Source: Crisis Management Initiative
An inclusive peace process in Nepal and the role of the EU
808 KB PDF-File
Executive Summary
Background of the study
Context of the peace process in Nepal
EU engagement in Nepal
Methodology of the study
Key themes of inclusive peace process in Nepal
Democratization as peace building
Conflict sensitivity meets 'social inclusion'
Findings and key messages
Crisis Management Initiative