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British Army - Brigade of Gurkhas
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LDP Government decision victory for Gurkhas
Nepal: Recruiting for the Gurkha regiment
British Gurkhas - Settlement in the UK - Campaign for Justice
21 May 2009

LDP: Clegg - Government decision great victory for Gurkhas

Reacting to the Government's announcement that all Gurkha veterans with four years' service would be allowed to move to the UK, Nick Clegg said he was 'absolutely thrilled'.

The announcement outlined rules that will allow Gurkhas and their immediate families who retired before 1997 with four years service to settle here with.

Nick Clegg said: "I am absolutely thrilled that the Gurkhas have finally been given justice."

"This is a great victory for the Gurkhas and for everyone who has campaigned on their behalf."

"Gordon Brown has finally woken up to the principle that people across Britain understand instinctively: if someone is prepared to die for this country, they must be allowed to live in it."

The announcement follows a key House of Commons vote lead by the Liberal Democrats that the Government lost.

The Liberal Democrat Leader went on to say; "Tragically this decision will come too late for many of those brave Gurkhas who have been waiting so long to see justice done."

"Gordon Brown's claim of a 'moral compass' rings hollow when, on every issue from Gurkhas to expenses, he has to be dragged every inch of the way towards doing the right thing."

Source: Liberal Democrats, May 2009

29 April 2009

LDP: Nick Clegg hails historic victory for Gurkhas

The Government suffered a symbolic defeat when MPs voted by 267 to 246 on a Liberal Democrat motion to give all Gurkha soldiers equal right of residence in Britain.

Commenting after the vote defeating the Government, Liberal Democrat Leader, Nick Clegg said:

"This is a historic victory for the Gurkhas who have served our country so bravely."

Nick highlighted that "this Government has now lost its moral authority. From the first moment I challenged Gordon Brown on this over a year ago, he didn't understand that there was a simple moral principle at stake."

Nick stressed our gratitude to the "People who are willing to die for our country" and added they "should be allowed to live in our country.

"The Government must listen to Parliament and scrap these shameful rules immediately and grant justice without conditions to all retired Gurkhas."

The Liberal Democrat motion on which the Government was defeated:

That this House condemns the Government's recent statement outlining the eligibility criteria for Gurkhas to reside in the United Kingdom; recognises the contribution the Gurkhas have made to the safety and freedom of the United Kingdom for the past 200 years; notes that more Gurkhas have laid down their lives for the United Kingdom than are estimated to want to live here; believes that Gurkhas who retired before 1997 should be treated fairly and in the same way as those who have retired since; is concerned that the Government's new guidelines will permit only a small minority of Gurkhas and their families to settle whilst preventing the vast majority; further believes that people who are prepared to fight and die for the United Kingdom should be entitled to live here; and calls upon the Government to withdraw its new guidelines immediately and bring forward revised proposals that extend an equal right of residence to all Gurkhas.

Source: Liberal Democrats, May 2009

About Nepali Gurkhas

The British Army's Brigade of Gurkhas (BG) is currently around 3,800 strong and provides around three per cent of the Army's strength and eight per cent of the Infantry.

The modern day Brigade of Gurkhas was formed in 1948 when four Regiments transferred from the old Indian Army to the British Army.

There are seven Regiments in the Indian Army.

Gurkhas are recruited in Nepal and remain Nepalese citizens throughout their service with the Brigade of Gurkhas, which is in line with the wishes of the government of Nepal.


External links
British Army's Brigade of Gurkhas
Ministry of Defence UK
Home Office UK
Gurkha Army Ex-Servicemen's Organisation
Gurkha Justice UKLiberal Democrats
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