Proposal for Points of Agreement Between CPN(M) and Nepal Government
English translation
for agreement between CPN(M) and Nepal Government
by CPN (M) for peace summit talk.
About Monarchy
Monarchy should be suspended during the interim period and King's executive
power should be scrapped
Nationalize all property of king and king's family
Besides of constituent assembly election, there should also be a referendum
to decide whether monarchy should be remain
About management and restructuring of the army and interim security arrangement
Nepal Army and PLA (People's Liberation Army) should be kept in barracks
and temporary camps accordingly and they will be monitored by the non military
UN team and a mechanism formulated on the basis of consensus from both
Democratization process of Nepal Army should be done by the consensus of
both parties and implemented accordingly
The formation of high level security council should be entrusted with interim
security monitoring both army, controlling them and operation them.
During interim period to regularize the judiciary and to conduct the constituent
assembly election, a security mechanism comprising of police and Maoist
militia should be formed and the armed police forced scrapped
Democratic National Army should be created on the basis of the constituent
assembly election results comprising both Army.
About Interim Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
The interim legislature should be formed as follows:
representation from the 7 party nominations
representation from the Maoist Nomination
representation from the civil society organisations comprising different
professions, ethnic and regional forums as well as people of national importance
with the consensus from both sides. The size of the interim legislature
should be agreed by both sides.
reinstated parliament and national assembly should be dissolved after the
interim executive formed.
Interim Executive should be formed as follows:
government should be formed according to the interim legislature.
division/distribution of the ministries and the government offices/mechanisms
should be done proportionally
Interim Judiciary should be as follows:
the judges for all levels and keep the people's courts in local levels
a constitutional court to make decision on the constitutional matters
About local bodies the following should be done:
local bodies should be formed at autonomous regions, districts, municipalities
and villages level with the consensus from both sides
the formation of unified interim bodies/governments the people's governments
led by the Maoists should be dissolved
Constituent assembly structure and electoral process
Constitution assemble election should be done on the basis of a proportional
representational system
The parties should consider the oppressed castes, regions, Terai, women,
Dalit etc while listing the candidates
To ensure the representation of marginalized castes and groups, specific
numbers should be nominated
The size of the constituent assembly should be agreed by both parties
Eligibility for voting should be 16 years of age
Restructuring the state, and citizenship
The present uniform structure should be ended. The rights to self determination
and autonomy should be ensured for oppressed sections of society and regions,
on the basis of a federal system
The citizenship problems should be solved as follows:
citizenship council should be formed before the constituent assembly to
provide the citizenship for all the people who have been denied citizenship
in the past including the indigenous people from the Terai
About the Socioeconomic transformation
All kinds of feudalism about labor and land should be ended and a land
reform program should be introduced to ensure the right to land of the
peasants who plough the land
Economic policy should be introduced to protect and promote national industries,
business and national resources
The state should guarantee the right to health, education, housing and
jobs as fundamental ones
Provide socioeconomic security for homeless, street dwellers, freed serfs
and underprivileged people
A high level property investigation commission should be formed and nationalize
all illegally and unlawfully earned property.
About International Relations
Dismiss all the previous unfair treaties/agreements and conduct new treaties/agreements
according to the country's benefits.
Control and manage the open border with India
Treaties/agreements about national resources and security should be passed
by 2/3 majority of the interim government.
About support to victims of arms conflict
Sufficient compensation should be provided to the martyr's families and
State should do a special program to honor those martyred during people's
freedom fighting and people's movement.
The fact situation of the disappeared during the armed conflict should
make public, sufficient compensation to their families and punishment to
the perpetrators.
Treatment and resettlements should be ensured to the wounded and disabled
during the conflict and sufficient compensation should be provided to them.
A resettlement program should be done for those displaced during the armed
Interim Constitution should be endorsed and issued by the interim executive
The fixed timetable should be determined for all the above mentioned important
subject matters
A high level monitoring committee should be formed to monitor whether the
agreement has been followed or not.
30 Bhadra 2063 v.s.