Maoists' Point of View
CPN (M): Point of View
Fifth Expanded Meeting of the central committee of CPN (Maoist)
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), Central Office, Press Release, 12. August 2007
The latest fifth expanded meeting of the central committee organized in the chain of expanded meetings that had had immense importance in the history of the CPN (Maoist) had been accomplished from August 3 to August 8, 2007 in Balaju Industrial Area, Kathmandu.

a) The meeting was inaugurated amid applause by Chairman Comrade Prachanda by lighting a lamp at 4 PM on the third of August 2007 in the Martyrs Memorial Building. In the inaugural session that had begun by paying heartfelt homage to the great martyrs of the great people's war and the mass movement, various senior comrades and advisors of the party, shedding light on the importance of the expanded meeting, had presented meaningful statements.

b) Altogether there were 2,174 comrades comprised of the central committee members of the party to the secretariat members of the district committee, to the general branch secretary of the PLA, central office bearers of mass and frontal organizations and invited members. Of them, there were 1,672 comrades from 75 districts, 455 from 7 divisions of the PLA, 40 from India, 5 from Europe and 2 from Hong Kong. It was the biggest gathering so far in our party history.

c) There had been discussions in 42 groups over the political proposal presented by Chairman Comrade Prachanda all the day long of August 4 and morning session of August 5 while the group leaders started presenting their comments and suggestions from the day session of August 5 and it was carried on to the evening of August 6. Chairman Comrade Prachanda clarified all the day long of August 7 the spirit of the document and replied the questions arisen therefrom. The document was unanimously adopted in the very evening.

d) All the day long of August 8, there had been a concluding program in which 42 comrades presented opinion based on their feeling. Chairman Comrade Prachanda, saying that the historic fifth expanded meeting was a meeting of great unity and great victory, concluded at 5:30 evening of the very day. At the last, different sky-piercing slogans were chanted.

e) The PLA and the YCL had provided security to the meeting and the central command had made the whole logistical arrangement. Samana and Sen-Chyang family had presented various cultural programs in between.

2) The central question of the expanded meeting was the proposal "Unite to make a new ideological advance and a new revolutionary movement" presented by Chairman Comrade Prachanda. There had been very high and profound democratic discussions among the representatives divided in 42 groups over the proposal and important amendments were suggested. By incorporating the suggestions, the proposal was at the last adopted unanimously. The important aspects of the document are as follows.

a) There are three important sections in the document. Important ideological and political questions have been discussed in the first part. In the second part, the past movement and peace-negotiation has been reviewed. And in the third, light has been shed on the forthcoming tactic and the party plan.

b) In the context of discussing "Some fundamental theoretical questions" emphasis has been given upon the question of distinguishing the difference between the Marxist and opportunist outlook mainly on compromise, reform and revolution, and revolutionaries are instructed to remain resolute in MLM and Prachanda Path by way of struggling against right capitulationism, centrist vacillationism and 'left' adventurism. In the present backdrop of negotiations and peaceful development of revolution, the question in which the revolutionaries should specially prioritize ideological struggle is against the rightist tendency of "enjoying in the status quo, conceiving of compromise and reform as everything and refusing to propel the revolution forward" has been mentioned in the document. Likewise, it has been mentioned in the document that the struggle against the centrist opportunism that surfaces in different forms in which one always falls prey to vacillation between right and wrong, talks of revolution but practices right reformism and shows sense of disappointment, frustration and escape must not be undervalued. Also, the document has cautioned the revolutionaries to remain cautious towards the danger of 'left' phrase-mongering and adventurism that "Without having concrete analysis of the concrete situation subjectively opposes all kinds of compromises".

c) Discussing the strategy and tactic of revolution, it has been clarified in the document that the party, going ahead with flexible tactic and firm strategy of democratic revolution, has synthesized a slogan of all party conference, interim government and constituent assembly election as a political tactic while arriving at the historic second national conference accomplished in 2001 and the same with modification has been carried on till now from the Chunwang Meeting held in 2005. Likewise, in relation to tactical slogan of democratic republic, quoting the decision of Chunwang meeting the document says, "Party has regarded the democratic republic neither in the form of bourgeois parliamentarian republic nor in the form of the new democratic republic. With an extensive restructuring of the state power, this republic will play a role of transitional multiparty republic as to resolve the problems related to class, nation, region and sex."

d) Likewise, in the context of assessing peace-negotiations and the events following it, the CPN (Maoist), which had not incorporated itself in the old parliamentary main stream, but had, preserving the achievements of 10 years of people's war, participated in a transitional state of compromise to institutionalize through constituent assembly the new type of democratic republic but now it has been concluded that the major parliamentarian parties leading the government, going against the spirit of 12-point understanding, have destroyed the basis of unity with the CPN (Maoist). In particular, "Although it had been said that army would be confined at barracks and PLA at the cantonments as to make the interim state a neutral one as far as possible and all of the decisions to run the state would be taken up in consensus, the theoretical, political and moral basis for the CPN (Maoist) to stay in government is getting to an end because the state in the present transitional period has been tried to run as the state of feudal, bureaucrat and comprador bourgeois" has been the important conclusion of the resolution. So cautioning seriously the forces that lead the interim government the proposal says, "The CPN (Maoist) will have no alternative to go to movement by quitting the government, if it is not guaranteed to ensure running of the interim government in accordance with the spirit of the agreement, bring an end to terror and regressive feudal conspiracy taking place against the constituent assembly election by declaring republic, take up actions against the criminals involved in a series of killings in Madhesh, publicize the state of disappeared citizens, impartially distribute relief to the families of martyrs, push forward the process of scientific land reform according to the spirit of the interim constitution, take up effective steps to stop killings, conspiracies and terror against the CPN (Maoist) and treat the PLA respectfully".

e) Summing up that the party tactic from the 12-point understanding to the participation in the interim government was correct and politically advantageous; however, in the resolution serious self-criticism has also been made on behalf of the party for some mistakes and weaknesses committed in this course.

1) In the later part and mainly after the Gaur-massacre, there was a mistake on the way how should the party have made coordination between compromise and struggle. It was the main aspect of the party weakness.

2) While making compromises with the parliamentarian parties masses should have been informed of those agreements and mobilized along them as far as possible. Especially when party failed to inform the masses of the struggle that the party had kept up on the federal state system and proportional election till the last minute inside Baluwatar room, it provided opportunity for the reactionaries and opportunists to launch a campaign against the party by spreading confusion that Maoists left their agenda on Madhesh.

3) After joining the interim parliament and interim government, there have been some limitations on the way how should have we gone with preparation, plan and the spirit in struggles to carry out minimum possible tasks for the masses.

4) Likewise, there have been weaknesses on the questions like inner party communication, external propaganda, work in Madhesh, economic field etc.

f) In the resolution, decisions have been taken up to develop special policies and plans to repeatedly proletarianize, rectify and consolidate the party and develop new unity on the new basis in agreement with party's new line and complexities. Accordingly, the property of all the central committee members has been publicized to initiate party rectification from the central level and supervision from broad cadres and even the masses on it has been anticipated. Also, it has been decided to have extensive changes in the party's organizational structure and division of labor and launch a campaign to build organizations up to villages.

g) The expanded meeting has also adopted different resolutions over some important and timely issues. Like for example: resolution on Madhesh, resolution on propaganda and publication, resolution on mass organizations, resolution on national and regional fronts, resolution on revolutionary polarization and republican front, resolution on international communist movement, resolution on three weapons of revolution etc.

h) Naturally, the most important and an issue of people's concern has been the evaluation of present situation and in accordance with it party's forthcoming tactic and plan. The document has appraised today's political situation as "to have been manifested in the form of a very fluid and serious revolutionary crisis." In the same manner, it has been pointed out that a situation of triangular contradiction among feudal royalist forces, status quoist bourgeois parliamentarian forces and revolutionary democratic forces exists and all of them are trying to hold sway of their own. The fact that has been emphasized on is that the future of constituent assembly election depends upon the relative supremacy of these three forces and the revolutionary democratic forces should set up the sequence of their strategy and tactic in compliance with it. Pointing out that the country is now at the frontier of a big revolutionary possibility and an awful accident it has been mentioned in the document that revolutionary democratic forces, by appraising it correctly, should take up proper tactical steps. For that, party has emphasized on the need to create a broad mass movement by keeping up a strong unity with the republicans and left forces. For the reason that the domestic and foreign reactionary powers are not in favor of constituent assembly election but are conspiring to avoid it by laying the blame on the CPN (Maoist) and mobilize army in the name of law and order, the resolution concludes that the mass movement "Should be propelled forward as a serious initiative to build up suitable environment and prerequisites in favour of the forthcoming constituent assembly election". In order for this, it has been concluded that Roundtable Conference, Republic and Constituent Assembly should be made the main slogan of the movement. In addition, emphasizing on the need to continue with ceasefire and the peace process, it has been said in the document that "Taking into account of today's international and national situation that kind of movement can be and should be propelled forward by continuing with the ceasefire and the peace process".

3) The central committee meeting held after the conclusion of the expanded meeting has shaped three separate committees to organize roundtable conference among agitating different groups, political forces and representatives of the civil society, take initiative for unity among different left forces, and prepare party manifesto for the forthcoming constituent assembly election and the mass movement.

To prepare for roundtable conference and have talks with different sections, under the leadership of comrade Ram Bahadur Thapa (Badal) a committee made up of comrade Barshaman Pun (Ananta), comrade Matrika Yadav, comrade HisilaYami and comrade Lekhraj Bhatta has been constituted.

In order to have talks with different left forces, under the leadership of comrade Mohan Vaidya (Kiran) a committee made up of comrade Barshaman Pun (Ananta) and comrade Dinanath Sharma has been constituted.

In the same way, in order to prepare manifesto, a committee made up of comrade Dev Gurung, comrade Dinanath Sharma, comrade Matrika Yadav, comrade Hitman Shakya, comrade Pampha Bhusal, comrade Janardan Sharma (Prabhakar), comrade Gopal Kirati and comrade Khadka Bahadur Viswakarma under the convenorship of comrade Baburam Bhattarai has been built up.


CPN (Maoist)

Source: CPN (M), August 2007

