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A vision for Bhutanese football
Bhutanese football struggles to grow
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A vision for Bhutanese football
There was no marketing, virtually no sponsors, the government's aid was negligible, and the only source, Federation Internationale de Football Federation's annual grant would remain the same.So how can the Bhutan Football Federation still meet its objective with the available resources when its vision for developing the game in the country is blurred by financial deficit?

The answer is expected to be ready by this evening as the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) development officials and the BFF's executive members, arrive at a long-term plan for the federation to be achieved within the stipulated time and within the limited budget.

The three-member FIFA delegation arrived in Thimphu to assess the status of various aspects of football in Bhutan, looking at youth football, men's competition, women's competition, administration, planning event and management.

This would enable the international football governing body to point to the federation and where it stands today, and where it is headed.

"The idea is to develop together with the association a plan which has a vision for about four years to develop football in the country," said FIFA's development manager for Asia and Oceanic Mr. David Borja.

"We are trying to plan together with national associations to plan so that the money is used in the best possible way to develop football."

Mr. David Borja said that it was an exercise implemented by FIFA and targeted more towards emerging national associations like BFF.

He stressed that BFF would not be dictated to but advised on its activities, based on the experience of other countries, and based on the Bhutanese situation.

"It is not FIFA deciding but we advise best options from global experience. We need to be realistic and make use of the available resources."

"The long-term vision document established should have the ideas ideally coming from the association because it is Bhutan who will implement and profit from it."

BFF's general secretary Ugyen Wangchuk said that the 'vision' would guide the federation in its endeavour.

"We will find where our football is going and if we are on the right field and if not how to go about it."

"It will give us an idea on the long-term planning of our federation."

Ugyen Wangchuk added that it was also 'refocusing' the budget to utilise it to its maximum capacity. The long term planning would be reflected in FIFA's annual financial granted of US$ 250,000.

The visionary document would also be presented internally to FIFA. The officials had just established a similar vision for Nepal.

Contributed byBishal Rai, Kuensel, Bhutan's National Newspaper 2005
Bhutan National Football League, World Cup
Thimphu Changlimithang stadium
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