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November 11 - November 15 . November 16 - November 20
November 11
» British minister: The British minister of state for foreign affairs has said that the security situation in Nepal can be retrieved and improved upon if the constitutional forces agreed to work together for the common good of the Nepalis.
» Surkhet: Maoist rebels have killed at least three civilians and injured some others. The reasons are still unknown.
» Human rights: The Centre for Victims of Torture (CVICT) has said the situation is getting worse with both the sides in Nepali conflict increasingly restoring to practices like torture.
November 12
» Rupandehi: Maoist rebels have killed a police officer, who worked for police intelligence, at his home in Butwal.
» Military offensive: RNA has launched a major air-borne and ground assault from Dang on Maoist strongholds in Rolpa and Rukum.
» Maoist offensive: Reports of an imminent Maoist offensive in the western Nepal.
» Peace talks: Analysts say that the government and the rebels are just paying lip service to negotiations.
November 16
» Maoist statement: In a press statement Maoist chairman Prachanda has reiterated that due to a bitter historical background the CPN-M has come up with the conclusion that the negotiation with the Nepalese Government could have given a meaningful result only on the mediation of either UN or any other reliable internationalist human right organisation.
» Peace process: The major western diplomatic missions and the UN resident mission in Kathmandu called for both the parties of the ongoing conflict to resume peace process. the major western diplomatic missions and the UN resident mission in Kathmandu called for both the parties to resume peace process.
» Increasing violence: The US and EU has strongly condemd the Maoist bombing on November 9. They has urged the Maoists to come for a dialogue for the peaceful solution of the conflict in Nepal.
November 18
» Maoist's opinion: The CPN (Maoist) spokesman said that peace talks were possible only with someone who wields power. The Maoists were ready for talks if the government answers their queries.
» Banke: Eight Armed Police Force (AFP) personnel died in a explosion af a Maoist laid land mine. The AFP truck was returning after removing obstacles put by the Maoists along the Mahendra Highway.
» Banke: Eight Armed Police Force (AFP) personnel died in a explosion of a Maoist laid landmine. The AFP truck was returning after removing obstacles put by the Maoists along the Mahendra Highway.
» Banke, Dang: The Kohalpur-Lamahi road along the Mahendra Highway was blocked since Monday by Maoist activities.
» Nawalparasi: District Administration Office has extended the curfew hours in the district by an hour effective. The curfew orders have been issued from 9 p.m. till 4 a.m. the next morning for the section of the East-West Highway, the Sunawal-Parasi-Maheshpur Road, Triveni-Bardaghat Road and surrounding areas.
» Taplejung: Joint security forces are going to start intensive search actions in Talkhark jungle area with the view to controlling Maoist activities. The jungle was the base area for Maoist activities for the last few weeks.
» Dhading, Kailali: 11 security personnel have lost their lifes in separate clashes between joint security forces and the Maoist rebels. The casulties of the Maoist side are not known.
» Bandh: Maoists have called a two-day blockade of the Prithvi highway in protest at alleged killings and disappearances of colleagues earlier this week. There was massive mobilisation of the security forces along the highway. There was a clash between the security forces and the Maoists on Tuesday. Security forces try to resume vehicular traffic along the highway,
November 20
» RNA: The Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) has launched a new designed website. RNA is providing more information and news on operations.
» Death toll: RNA has informed that 2,700 Maoist rebels and 163 army personnel were killed since the breakdown of ceasefire in August 2003.
» Stop mining: HBA has asked the Maoists to restore the rights of the Nepali people to travel the roads and highways without fear of landmine attacks.
» Achham: District Administration Office has extended the curfew hours in the district by an hour effective. The curfew orders have been issued from 9 p.m. till 4 a.m. the next morning for the section of the East-West Highway, the Sunawal-Parasi-Maheshpur Road, Triveni-Bardaghat Road and surrounding areas.
» Achham: Maoists in Achham have forced more than 10,000 civilians to accept the Maoist party's part time membership. CPN (Maoist) members have to dig tunnels and bunkers.
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