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NOVEMBER 2004 Maps- Links
Appeals for Peace
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November 21 - November 25 . November 26 - November 31
November 22
» Peace zone: PM asked the Maoists to publicly declare educational institutions a zone of peace.
» New tactic: Maoist rebels are said to implement a new guerilla tactic - Exploding road side bombs and then to ambush and to attack the security forces.
» Dailekh, Kailali: Maoist rebels and security forces have clashed in seperate incidents. Analysts say the encounters were the bloodiest since weeks. At least 10 soldiers of the Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) and more than 50 rebels were recovered from the sites. 
» Pokhara: 3 Maoist rebels were killed while trying to detonate a bomb.
» Dolpa: Maoist rebels have intensified 'one house, one bunker, one attack' campaign. The Maoists have also issued a warning to the youths of their so-called base area to participate in 6-month and 1-year people's militia training.
» Talks deadline: The High-level Peace Committee is likely to decide on the deadline to be given to the Maoists peace dialogue.
» Peace talks: The rebels insist on the mediation of the United Nations or an international human rights organisation in any discussions.
» Internal struggle: Hardline faction has won out in an internal power struggle in the hert of CPN (Maoists), news sources said. Those for dialogue and a political solution are said to be in the minority. Most Maoist leaders appeared to be against peace talks. CPN-M spokesperson Mahara has denied these reports.
» Kathmandu: Suspected Maoists have detonated powerful pressure cooker bombs at two media buildings.  Reporter's Club Nepal has condemned the explosion at the press terming it as 'attack on the press freedom' .
» Intelligence: The army says it has been able to penetrate rebel cells, especially in eastern and central Nepal.
November 24
» Landmine: Five forest guards from Parsa Wildlife Reserve were killed when a landmine planted by Maoist rebels exploded under their jeep in the Belawa forest of Parsa district.
» Push back: Security forces had encircled the entire area declared by the Maoists as their sub-regional headquarters in the northern part of Kailali district. Royal Neplase Army (RNA) said it has been successful in pushing back Maoist rebels believed to be hiding in the forests of Kailali.
» Bardiya: Maoist rebels tried to storm the police office at Gulariya, the the headquarters of Bardiya district. 
» Truth offer: The Government was ready to stop its security actions if the Maoists declared ceasefire during and after the Buddhist Summit scheduled for end of this month in Lumbini.
» Elections: Central committee members of CPN-M warned that the Maoists would strongly resist any elections other than that for the constituent assembly.
» No progress: Senior Maoist leaders said that there has been no progress towards holding peace talks between the Government and the Maoists because of the "clash of interest" among the Royal Palace, the army, India and the United States. CPN-M was ready to sit for peace negotiations with the government if the UN was involved.
» Dailekh: A a group of Maoist rebels bombed and destroyed the intakes of two separate water supply projects in Dailekh district. The supply of water has come to a complete halt in the in Khalanga and Narayan area.
November 25
» Dailekh, Kailali: RNA said  it had killed more than 300 rebels and lost 10 soldiers at the weekend in a major battle since a temporary ceasefire ended last month. The Maoist PLA Western Command said in a statement that the rebel army has sucessfully pushed back the government troops. There are no independent reports on the incidents.
November 27
» Deadline: Nepalese Government has set a deadline for peace talks to Maoists. Govt. will push ahead with planned elections if Maoist rebels do not respond by January 13, 2005  to a Government offer for peace talks.
» No peace talks: Maoist central leadership has rejected call for peace talks. The Maoists have refused to negotiate with this Government, saying it does not have full executive powers.
» Military aid: The U.S. Congress has passed a bill which makes military aid to Nepal dependent on human rights improvements. Recent reports put the Nepal at the top of the world tables for political disappearances.
November 29
» Human Rights: The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to scan rights abuses in Nepal
» Human Rights: The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) has said in a press statement the Maoists have been continuously violating the international humanitarian law by committing unlawful killings.
» Rolpa, Rukum: For the first time the Maoists administration have started development work in their strongholds Rolpa and Rukum. The Magarant Autonomous People's Government has launched road projects in these two districts.
» People's resistance: Villagers from 25 village development committees (VDC) have joined the Maoist-resistance campaign against the Maoist's brutal methods started recently in Dullu, the headquarters of Dailekh district.



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