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Nepal Crisis 2005
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October 2005
October 21 - October 25 . October 26 - October 31
October 21
» Talks: The seven-party alliance agitating for the restoration of democracy in Nepal has secretly started the process of dialogue with Maoist rebels in a bid towards bringing peace to the country.
October 22
» Human rights: Extreme cases of human rights violations have reduced to some extent in recent weeks, said Ian Martin, representative of the Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (ONHCR) in Nepal.
» Child recruitment: "The abduction and alleged recruitment of children by the Maoists as well as threats against teachers and the forced closure of schools, have been particular concern to OHCHR," an Martin, representative of the Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (ONHCR) in Nepal. said.
» Military cooperation: Chinese Defence Minister Cao Gangchuan said that China will promote military cooperation with Nepal.
» Retaliatory action: Two Maoist rebels were killed in a retaliatory action of the Royal Nepalese Army in Rolpa district.
October 24
» Amnesty: The government is ready to give a general amnesty to anyone involved in "terrorism" if they surrender to the government with or without arms.
» Claims: Nepal Maoists claim parts of India. Indian authorities are worried to learn about move towards "Greater Nepal" (Nepal: From Teesta to the Sutlej) allegedly being pursued by Nepali Maoists, Indian sources said. Earlier CPN (M) leader Prachanda has denied media reports on this subject.
October 27
» Ceasefire: The Human Rights organisations of the Nepal have urged the government to declare ceasefire immediately.
» General strike: Seven-party alliance agitating against the government has called for a general strike in Kathmandu valley on October 28 to voice for protection of the people's right to information.
October 28
» Media ordinance: The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has expressed concern over the recently promulgated media ordinance and seizure of broadcast equipments from Kantipur FM on October 21 saying it violates international human rights standards.
» Crushing insurgency: China's top envoy recently announced that Beijing was ready to help India crush its nagging Maoist insurgency that it one time directly promoted.
October 29
» Political party: The International Crisis Group has concluded in iths report that (Nepali) Maoists are a political party at heart. The study report further says Maoist strategy is of a protracted people's war, both political and military
Nepal Crisis 2005
Press Freedom Links Maps of Nepal Nepal Reports News Links
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