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Nepal Crisis 2005
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November 2005
November 11 - November 15 . November 16 - November 20
November 12
» Court fight: Nepal's Supreme Court has refused to block a controversial law that bans criticism of the king and bars private radio stations from broadcasting news. 
» Stop abductions : The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has called on the Maoists to end their violent activities that are against the spirit of humanitarian laws. 
» Threat: Maoists in Dolkha district have threatened to take action against at least 12 CPN-UML leaders in Kavre VDC who were engaged in a campaign to create democratic awareness among the local people.
» Ground realities: King Gyanendra said that the Feb. 1 step was necessitated by ground realities, mainly the failure of successive governments to contain ever emboldening terrorists and maintain law and order.
November 13
» UN supervision: The General Secretary of CPN-UML K. M. Nepal said that Maoists were ready to disarm under UN supervision for election to the constituent assembly.
» Democracy: During a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Dakha King Gyanendra reiterated his commitment towards multi-party democracy. 
November 17
» US vision: The US ambassador to Nepal, James F. Moriarty, has said the US government is working with the Indian government to forge a common vision "to help restore peace, prosperity and democracy" in Nepal.
» Political mainstream: The US and Britain have expressed strong support to the assertion of the seven- party alliance to not form an alliance with Maoists to fight the rule of King Gyanendra unless they lay down their arms, as also efforts to bring the rebels to the political mainstream.
November 19
» Children abducted: Amnesty International, has said the Maoists have reportedly abducted a total of 8,057 people from at least nine districts in rural areas during the first four weeks of the ceasefire.
» Political mainstream: Nepal's Maoist rebels are ready to accept multiparty democracy, stop terrorising civilians and return to the political mainstream of the revolt-torn country, CPN-UML general secretary, M.K. Nepal said.
» Commitments: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has urged the Maoists to sincerely stick to the commitments they had made during their call for unilateral ceasefire and respect people's fundamental human rights.
» Released: The Maoists have released all students and teachers they had abducted from two schools in Kaski district.
»  Maoists in India: In their biggest attack to date, more than 700 Maoist rebels temporarily took over parts of a town in Bihar state in a night raid. The rebels freed nearly 400 prisoners from a jail, including many comrades, and killed three policemen and a member of a private landlord army.
Nepal Crisis 2005
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