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Nepal Crisis 2005
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December 2005
December 21 - December 25 . December 26 - December 31
December 21
» Truce rejected: The government has ruled out declaring a ceasefire with Maoist rebels once more.
» Labour Camp: Maoist rebels have released  a man after six month of detention in labour camp in Dhading district. 
» Abductions: Maoists have abducted government employees in Ilam district and District Development Committee (DDC) members in Lamjung district. 
» School closure: Maoists have shut down a Primary School opposing the hand over of the school to the community in Saptari. 
December 23
» Municipal polls: Maoists announced to disrupt the municipal polls.
» New structure: The Maoists have increased the number of their military divisions from three to seven. The Maoists haven't given up the military option.
» Maoist democratic campaign: Earlier this month the rebels announced the start of their 'people's democratic campaign'.
» New Maoist strategy: "Feudalism can't be abolished by attacking small security posts in the villages, we will now aim at Kathmandu", a Maoist commander said.
December 24
» Death toll: A total of 75 people were killed by both the state and Maoists during the three month period of the Maoists' unilateral ceasefire, Informal Sector Service Center (INSEC) rsaid in a report.
» Maoist announcement: United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Nepal has written to the leadership of the CPN (Maoist) asking for clarification of their statement to disrupt the municipal polls.
» Landmine explosion: Two civilians were killed in a landmine explosion in Taplejung district. The landmine was planted by suspected Maoists.
» Maoist statement on aid and development: The United Nations office in Nepal has welcomed a statement made by Maoist rebels that they would cooperate with the UN and bilateral donor agencies and adhere to the their Basic Operating Guidelines (BOGs) for aid and development work.
December 28
» Assurance: OHCHR Nepal said it has received assurance from the CPN (Maoist) leadership that it has not instructed its cadres to abduct or kill those participating in the elections even as the party announced to disrupt the polls.
» Clash: Security forces short dead a Maoist rebel during a search operation in Dang district. 
» Call: Human rights activists and professionals have called upon the Maoist not to resume violence in the run up to the forthcoming municipal polls.
» Crossfire: At least one security man and two Maoists rebels were killed during crossfire between armed Maoists and the security forces in Rolpa district . The gunbattle started attacked an army patrol.
December 30
» Arms supply: The Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) has bought over four million rounds of 7.62 mm rifle ammunition and 18,000 grenades from China. 
Nepal Crisis 2005
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