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February 01
» Black day: King Gyanendra has marked the first anniversary of his royal coup by defending his seizure of power.
» Raid: Maoist rebels have attacked armed forces and government posts in Palpa district yesterday. 17 policemen, 3 armymen and an unkown number of  rebels have died in the incident. The rebels have freed inmates of the local jail and captured scores of soldiers and policemen as well as the district administrator. 140 persons are still missing.
 February 03
» Fresh Clashes: Clashes between Maoist rebels and the security forces erupted in Bardiya District.
» Captivity: Maoists have confirmed that 29 persons including the Chief District Officer (CDO) of Palpa are under their captivity. The captured persons will be freed soon, the Western Regional Command headquarters spokesperson announced.
» Strike: Maoists have called an embargo of the district headquarters of Siraha from February 2 to February 11, 2006.
» Arrests: At least 620 persons have arrested in 29 districts by the police on February 1, 2006. The arrested persons include political activists, journalists, lawyers, Human Rights activists and others. 
February 04
» Captives freed: The Maoist rebels have freed 21 security personnel captured in the Palpa raid. National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) said the number of detainees stood at 37.
» Stockpile: The Government stockpiled essential goods on Saturday and tightened security across the country ahead of a week-long strike called by Maoist rebels.
» Politician: Suspected Maoists have killed a politician and his aide in Biratnagar, Morang district.
February 05
» General strike: A general strike called by Maoist rebels has been causing disruption across Nepal.
» Call: Tourism entrepreneurs have strongly urged the Maoists to withdraw the bandh immediately.
February 07
» General strike: Normal life remains disrupted across Nepal on day three of the seven-day shutdown, one of the longest ordered by the rebels.
February 08
» Municipal election: Initial estimates put voter turnout at about 10%.
» Strike called off: The CPN-Maoist has withdrawn its Nepal Bandh (general strike). In the statement the Maoist leaders claimed that the Bandh was a "historic success" .
» Clashes: At least three people had died after clashes between government troops and Maoist rebels in  Dhankuta and Kailali districts.
» Road map: In an interview with Kantipur Online CPN-Maoist Chairman Prachanda has unveiled the CPN-M's road map for change in Nepal. He said i.e. that a national army will be formed according to the results of a election for the constituent assembly.  We will accept it  if the constituent assembly says we want monarchy. ... If the people say 'republic', all should accept that. 
February 09
» Clash: Maoist rebels and army troops clashed after a rebels' attack on an army convoy in Nawalparasi district.
February 11
» Release: Maoist rebels have freed 10 security personnel abducted after the Nawalparasi clash.
» Release: Maoists have released nine government staffs abducted from Dhankuta following the February 7's raid on the district headquarters.
February 13
» Ready: In the first-ever TV interview with the BBC, Prachanda said his party would accept monarchy if the people decided so. Nepal's king would face exile or execution, the Maoist leader said.
» Press freedom: The Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ has expressed objection over the Maoist threat to take action against journalists and urged the Maoist leadership to immediately stop terrorizing journalists and respect press freedom.
February 16
» Warning: The US Ambassador to Nepal has warned of a Maoist takeover in Nepal. The the rebels will never give up violence, the Ambassador said also.
February 17
» Maoist custody: The assistant regional administrator of the eastern development region has died in the Maoists' captivity. The Maoists have released eleven persons after five days but continued to keep The assistant regional administrator and three police personnel under their custody.
» Human rights report: Nepal's violent armed conflict between Maoist rebels and the government has been placing the civilian population in grave danger, said a report released by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OCHCR) in Nepal.
» Offensive: Royal Nepal army has launched a major offensive against Maoist rebels in Palpa and Nawalparasi districts. Helicopters were bombing suspected Maoist hide-outs.
February 19
» Dialogue: On occaion of the National Democracy Day King Gyanendra has called on the mainstream opposition political parties in the country to enter into dialogue and promote democracy.
» Mistake: One year after the murder of a popular religious orator in Rupandehi district the dalit wing of CPN-Maoist has confessed its mistake in the killing.
February 25
» Protests: The seven-party alliancehas announced a series of programmes for the restoration of complete democracy in the country from March 1.
February 26
» Collapse: US Ambassador to Nepal  has reiterated that Nepal is in danger of collapse if the palace and the political parties do not cooperate.
» Tough questions: The former Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has asked the Maoists to clarify  whether they would allow a free and vibrant press, radio and television or not.
» Constitutional process: The Army Chief Brig. Gen. Thapa said moving ahead towards the protection of the international humanitarian values and human rights as per the constitutional process and in the larger interest of the entire Nepali people.
» Clashes: Security forces and the Maoists clashed in Gaighat, the headquarters of Udaypur district, in Nepalgunj, Banke district, and in Palpa district. 
February 27
» Explosions: A bomb explosion in a marketplace in Pokhara has injured at least 12 people. The rebels had unsuccessfully targeted an army truck. The Maoists have apologised for that attack. It was the second blast in the tourist town of Pokhara in two days.
» Abductions: Maoists abducted 150 students and teachers from different secondary and lower secondary schools of various Village Development Committees (VDC) in Dhading district.
» Clashes: Security forces and the Maoists clashed in Kavre, Rupandehiin Palpa district. The clash in Rupandehi was one of the fiercest ones in the area in recent times.
Nepal Crisis 2006
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