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Nepal Crisis 2006
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May 01
» Cabinet: All seven parties of Seven Party Alliance (SPA) decided  to participate the Council of Ministers to be announced today.
» Respect people's vote: Senior Maoist rebel leader Baburam Bhattarai told the BBC in an interview  the constituent assembly would have to have sovereign powers to decide on the fate of the monarchy. The Maoists would have to respect the decisions of the assembly if elections to it were "free and fair". In the first-ever TV interview with the BBC in February 2006, CPN (M) chairman Prachanda said his party would accept monarchy if the people decided so. 
May 03
» Truce: The new cabinet has declared a indefinite ceasefire and urged the Maoists to come forward for peace talks. The government also announced that it was annulling controversial municipal elections held by the king in February this year.
» National army: Maoist rebel leader Prachanda  has ruled out disarming his forces. However,  it wouldn't be any problem for the People's Liberation Army PLA to merge into a new national army, the CPN (M) chariman said also. In his statement Prachanda attacked the new interim government: Old faces, no visions.
» Terror list: The Maoists would remain on the US terror list, an US official said.
May 04
» Terrorist tag: Govt. removes red corner notice, terrorist tag on Maoists
» Peace talks: Maoist rebels are now prepared to talk to the new government, Maoist top leader Prachanda said in a statement. But Prachanda cautioned that the rebels were far from being tired of war and are in no hurry to enter politics.
» Peace talks: The CPN (UML), a key ally of the seven-party alliance, has formed a team to negotiate with the Maoists, various political parties and the civil society.
May 06
» Fresh probe?: The royal family massacre of 2001 to come under fresh probe? Activivist of leftist parties urged to reopen the massacre case.
» Warning: ANNISU-R chairman L.N. Neupane has warned party leaders of conspiracies that may be hatched by the royal palace if elections to a Constituent Assembly are delayed.
» Prisoners: The prisoners of conscience, being held at Bharatpur Jail, have urged the CPN-Maoists not to hold dialogue with the government until all political detainees are set free.
» Children: Around 500 children were killed, and an equal number seriously injured, in the 10-year long running Maoist insurgency, the national coordination for children as zone of peace (NCCZOP) said.
May 08
» Release: An intelligence police, has been released by Maoists. He has been handed over to a INSEC representative in the presence of Red Cross representative. The policeman was abducted after Maoists' attack over district headquarters Chautara.
» Release: Local authorities have released 8 Maoist cadres in Humla, Sankhuwasabha and Kaski districts.
» Torture: Maoists have inflicted torture on six youths in Bhojpur district alleging them of being involved in thievery and robbery. 
May 10
» Call: The CPN (M) called on the government to initiate the process to release the Maoist leaders and cadres who have been detained within Nepal and Indian.
» Warning: Military experts warned that the country could face a military coup if the Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) is not brought under the control of the House of Representatives.
» Abductions: Maoists continue to abduct people in Nawalparasi, Ramechhap and Siraha districts. 
May 11
» Seized property: Maoists are handing back land and houses seized during their 10years-long insurgency. The procedure is a as part of a deal with the main political parties.
» Monitoring truce:United Nations has agreed to assist Nepal in arms management and is ready to monitor the cease-fire and to be an observer during an election to a Constituent Assembly, if the government requests.
» Talks: Maoist rebels are want to hold early talks with the new government to help end the civil war, party leader Prachanda said in a statement this week.
May 13
» Ministers arrested: Five ministers from Nepal's ousted royalist government have been arrested.
» Roadmap: Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists)make public roadmap for dialogue with government.
» Key demand: The interim multi-party government has announced elections will take place to form a constituent assembly.
» Peace talks: CPN (M) chairman Prachanda to lead Maoist talks team. 
» Extortions: Home Minister Kr. P. Sitaula appealed to the Maoists to stop extortions and holding public marches in combat dress.
May 14
» Violence: Maoists are engaged in extortion in Khotang district. They also seized two houses belonging to a DDDC chairman of Rukum district and murdered a TPF member in Rautahat district.
» Demand list: Insec handed over a 13-point demand to the CPN-Maoists. General Secretary of Insec Kundan Aryal said that respecting human rights could help restore sustainable peace in Nepal.
» Radio stations: Save Independent Radio Movement (SIRM), Broadcasting Association of Nepal, Association of Community Radio Broadcasters and Kathmandu Valley FM Broadcasters' Forum have flayed the Maoists for threatening two of its FM stations in Chitwan and Parsa districts.
May 15
» Human rights: Matrika Yadav, the CPN (Maoists) Politbureau member and central member Suresh Ale Magar have reiterated their party's commitment towards human rights.
» Direct talks: CPN (M) chairman Prachanda sought direct talks with newly appointed Prime Minister G. P. Koirala to end the insurgency but demanded release of all Maoist prisoners before the dialogue.
May 18
» King's power cut away: The new parliament approved a landmark 10-point plan on Thursday to curb the monarch's powers and take away the title of supreme commander-in-chief of the military from King Gyanendra.
» Nepalese Army: The parliament's decision brings the Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) under the authority of parliament, and the military will be known simply as the Nepalese Army from now on.
» Abductions: Maoists abducted people in Ilam and Saptari districts and forced students to attend a Maoist programme in Palpa district.
May 20
» Military aid: The United States said  it was ready to resume military aid to Nepal.
» Abductions: According to the Nepalese Army, Maoists abducted 13 people from Udaypur district. Further Army sources said that Maoists created obstruction in the construction of road at Devsthal-Kaindanda-Chaurjahari road section.
May 21
» Extortions: Dozens of companies in southern Nepal have suspended operations saying they cannot cope with acts of financial extortion by Maoist rebels..
» Maoist Programme: Maoists have forcibly made participate thousands of civilians of rural areas to participate in their programme at the district headquarters of Bhojpur district.
» Hunger stirs: Maoist top leader Prachanda asks jailed comrades to end hunger stir.
» Donations: Maoist supremo Prachanda says 'donations' are necessary to sustain the insurgency.
May 22
» Peace talks: The new Government is not serious towards negotiations, the CPN (M) spokesman Krishna Bahadur  Mahara said in an interview.
» Peace talks: There will be no dialogue without the dissolution of parliament, CPN (M) leader Baburam Bhattarai said.
» Recruitment: CPN (M) have intensified a recruitment and extortion drive for the people's militia even before talks.
There was an intensive publicity campaign in Banke, Bara and Rautahat.
» Extortions: CPN (M) have intensified extortion drives in Banke, Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Rupandehi and Kathmandu.
May 25
» Talks: The Maoist negotiating team lead by Krishna Bahadur Mahara held separate discussions with the leaders of the seven-party alliance (SPA).
» Peace talks: The Government urged the Maoists to end extortion and recruitment and to begin immediate talks with the Government to solve the conflict. 
May 26
» Peace talks: Peace talks between Nepal Government and Maiosts began on 26 May 2006 in Kathmandu. A 25-point Code  of Conduct governing the ceasefire was signed by Home Minister Krishna Sitaula on behalf of Nepal Government and Krishn Bahadur Mahara, Coordinator of the Maoist Team. 
May 28
» Disappeared: The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal (OHCHR-Nepal) has confirmed that at least 49 persons among those hundreds of individuals detained at army barracks in Maharajgunj remain disappeared. OHCHR-Nepal said that it received credible reports of at least three deaths due to torture. 
May 29
» Army commitment: Chief of Army Staff General Pyar Jung Thapa said that the Nepali Army (NA) is committed to follow the directives of Nepal government.  The General also stressed the basic duty of NA was to uphold "the nation's and the people's interest".
Nepal Crisis 2006
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