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March 01
» Clash: Maoists and cadres of Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) clashed in Banke district. MPRF members had retaliated after the Maoists forced locals to attend the Maoists' mass meeting in Nepalgunj. Maoist militia who arrived at the village chased away MPRF activists.
» UN assistance: The 1260-strong UNMIN taskforce will be reduced to 1080 following a cutback by five million US dollars.
March 03
» Attack: A little known organisation named Terai cobra has killed one person in Rautahat district. Terai cobra is latest among a number of organisations involved in agitation and violence in Terai such as Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), two factions of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) and Madhesi Tigers.
» PLA weapons count: The Nepal Army (NA) has expressed dissatisfaction over the figure of UN-registered Maoist weapons. Defending the figure of weapons registered, Maoist leader Prachanda had recently claimed that some of the weapons had been destroyed in fire and floods. He also said the PLA mostly used grenades and socket bombs.
March 05
» Negotiations: The government renewed appeals for the breakaway Maoist faction Janatrantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) to agree to negotiations to end violence in Terai region.
» Narcotics Smuggling: The United States has indicated that Nepal's Maoists are involved in smuggling narcotic drugs to finance their insurgency.
March 09
» Conspiracy: Maoist leader Prachanda reiterated that there were conspiracies being hatched by the palace elements to malign the Maoists.
» Maoist weapons: The Government of India has discounted fears that the weapons being surrendered by the Maoists in Nepal would eventually flow to Naxalites in India.
» General strike: Defying the general strike called by the Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum, bazaars, factories and academic institutions remained open in the city of Biratnagar and in Bardiya and Morang districts. Traffic also resumed as usual in Nepalgunj.
March 11
» Tripartite report: The United Nations Political Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) made public the conclusions of a tripartite report on the first phase of the UN registration of Maoist arms and fighters.
» Violence in Terai: Fresh violence erupted in Nepal's Terai region as Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (Jwala) said they were ending their truce and beginning a new 'war'.
» Violence in Terai: At least 31 people have been killed this year in the protests organised by the Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) .
March 13
» Strikes: The Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF)  called off its indefinite strike and road blockades in Nepal's southern Terai region after considering the severe impact it was having on civilians.
March 16
» Maoist's weapons: CPN-M chairman Prachanda has said that thousands of PLA's grenades remain outside cantonments. In the Maoist's opinion the weapons like socket bombs and other explosives do not qualify the UN standard for arms management. Maoists are facing criticism for their 'low weapon count' during registration. 
» Maoist's weapons: The United Nations Mission in Nepal is concerned about media reports quoting Maoist chairman Prachanda as saying that the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) retains weapons and combatants outside the cantonment sites. 
» Maoist's weapons: Maoists said 706 weapons, 5,966 combatants (5012 men and 954 women) are registered in Chitwan cantonment.
» Media: CPN-M chairman Prachanda said that Maoist affiliated journalists should fight against imperialist domination and foreign investment in media.
March 20
» Clashes in the south: Activists of anti-government Madhesi Peoples Rights Forum (MPRF) and the supporters of the government clashed in the southern town of Birgunj. Clashes have also broken out in two eastern towns between parties favouring a republic and those wanting to keep the monarchy. MPRF activists also clashed with police.
» Constituent assembly: Eight party task force has been working on a code of conduct, minimum common programme, policies, fixing the date of constituent assembly polls for 15 June 2007. 
» Anti-Maoist protests: Nepal's business community declared an indefinite strike against the Maoists, accusing them of violence, intimidation, extortion and abductions.
March 21
» Gun battle: At least 25 people have died in a gun battle between activists of a former Maoist group and supporters of a regional rights group in the eastern Terai region.
March 25
» Security measures: New security measures were imposed Saturday to avert more violence in southeastern Nepal. After the Gaur carnage in Rautahat district Maoists threatened retaliation for the deaths of theri comrades.
» Maoist's doubts: Senior Maoist leader, Dev Gurung, has raised doubts about the leadership qualities of Prime Minister Koirala after members of the the Koirala-led Congress party has expressed doubts about holding the Constituent Assembly polls on schedule.
March 30
» Peace in danger: The multi-party government does not intend to share power fairly with the Maoists and this may jeopardise the peace process in the Himalayan nation, a top Maoist leader Baburam Bhattarai said.
March 31
» Interim government: Maoists are to join the interim government under the terms of a deal. The deal reportedly assigns the Maoists control of five ministries.
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