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May 01
» King deadline: The former Maoist rebels has threatened mass protests unless parliament abolishes the monarchy by the middle of this month.
» Displaced people: The United Nations in Nepal has accused former Maoist rebels of preventing thousands of displaced people from returning home. 
» Attack: Hundreds of local Maoist activists stormed the Suiya police post in Banke district, a rebel stronghold.
May 05
» Close down: Maoists close down 5 Terai districts against Bardiya's Sanoshree incident. Supporters of the Maoist-wing Young Communist League had been clashing with the Armed Police Force personnel.
» Intimidation: Villagers suffering intimidation, extortion at hands of Maoists, UN media reported.
» Child soldiers: NGOs concerned at lack of action to release child soldiers. 
» Madhesis: Madhesis had a powerful voice. Government should take some serious steps. Madhesis can become more dangerous than Maoist insurgency in the past , Mr. Bächler, Special Adviser for Peace Building in Nepal by the Swiss Foreign Ministry, said in an interview with Kantipur.
May 09
» Child soldiers: US-based Human Rights Watch reported that 30,000 Maoist soldiers registered in the cantonment sitestan estimated 6,000 to 9,000 are believed to be under the age of 18. Maoist said the charges were baseless. The Maoists are ready to discuss the issue with US-organisation.
» Terai  closure: The Terai Cobras, an armed group also demanding autonomy for people of Indian origin in the plains, enforced a closure in Rautahat, Bara and Parsa districts.
May 13
» Child soldiers: The United Nations Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict has urged the Nepal government and the CPN (Maoist) to demobilise child soldiers without delay.
May 20
» Warning: Maoist chairman Prachanda Saturday warned of nationwide agitation if the government did not come up with a promise for management of People's Liberation Army (PLA) cantonments by this evening.
» New strategy: Maoist strategy is shaped by a tension between purity and pragmatism. If the mainstream parties keep up a strong commitment to the constituent assembly process, the Maoists will find it hard to back out. If this route is blocked, the Maoists may find their effort at controlled rebellion slipping into renewed conflict beyond their leaders' control, Belgium based International Crisis Group said.
May 29
» Top Maoist lauds: Maoist leader Baburam Bhattarai stated that Prime Minister G. P. Koirala was acceptable for all for the country's top post due to his international standing. Koirala would become available any time for international diplomats but he was hardly accessible when needed for taking decisions crucial for the country, Bhattarai said also. 
» Clash: At least 15 persons were injured when Maoists and workers of Nepali Congress (Democratic) (NC-D) clashed in Simikot, the headquarters of Humla district.
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