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July 01
» Strikes : Life has been badly affected the eastern regions of Terai after transport entrepreneurs have stopped their service indefinitely demanding that government provide security to the vehicles and drivers on national highways.
July 05
» PLA soldiers: Soldiers of the Maoist's "People's Liberation Army (PLA)" have started receiving their salary. Their salary was released eight months after they entered the camp.
» PLA quarters: The construction of the residential quarters for the Maoist PLA soldiers cantoned at the main and three satellite camps in Ilam district has been completed.
» PLA explosives: UNMIN has decided to begin the safe disposal of explosives stored at the temporary PLA cantonments across Nepal.
July 09
» Terai violence: For several weeks now, there have been reports of killings and abductions taking place on a daily basis. Law enforcement agencies look helpless. Violent gangs in Terai seem to be unmoved by the government's warnings.
July 11
» Clashes: Festivities to mark the 60th birthday of  King Gyanendra have been marred by violence in the capital. 
» Maoist danger: The US ambassador to Nepal, James Moriarty,  has accused the former Maoist rebels of continuing to use violence and warned that the country's peace process is in danger. 
» Peace process: The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal is launching a US$49 million recovery programme to assist over 1.2 million people who continue to struggle daily with the effects of the recently ended eleven-year conflict between the Maoists and the Government. 
» IDPs: Despite the end of Nepal's decade-long conflict between Maoist guerrillas and the government in November 2006, a large number of internally displace. 
» PLA quarters: The construction of buildings at the temporary cantonment in Surkhet has halted due to timber scarcity.
July 14
» PLA verification: Second phase verification of the People's Liberation Army has been deadlocked. 
» Terai insurgency: The government said rebel groups active in Terai region must come to the negotiating table within two weeks.
» Reporter abducted : In western Nepal a previously unknown of group called National Republican Army said it kidnapped and then killed a reporter last week for writing in support of the monarchy.
July 20
» Security situation: United Nations Electoral Expert Monitoring Team (EEMT) has said the security situation in the country poses serious threat to preparations for constituent assembly election.
July 25
» Peace process: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said that the ongoing peace process in Nepal appears on track to deliver peace and stability, but the national political scene has become more complex and challenging in recent months.
» Govt-MPRF talks: The second round of MRPF - government talks Wednesday ended with an agreement to sit for talks again.
July 31
» Election process: United Nations election monitors will this week begin their second visit to Nepal as part of the world body's efforts to support the staging of Constituent Assembly polls there later this year. The Assembly elections are scheduled for 22 November 2007.
» Curfew: The local administration office in Dolkha district issued an curfew order  in the district headquarters Charikot. Charikot remained tense since the afternoon after a clash ensued between police and Maoist activists, backed by their youth front Young Communist League (YCL).
» Terai troubles: The killings, abduction and intimidation aregoing on in the Terai region. Cadres of Jaya Krishna Goit-led faction of Jantantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM-G) shot dead a civilian in Bara district.
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