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September 02
» CA polls : The government is planning to mobilise about 140,000 security personnel for ensuring the security of the Constituent Assembly (CA)  in November 2007.
» CA polls : Constituent Assembly elections has to abolish the monarchy in Nepal, a standing committee member of the CPN (UML) said.
» CA polls : CPN (M) top leader Prachanda said Maoists will take part in Constituent Assembly polls.
» Agreement : The government talk team and the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) reached a 22-point agreement. The government agreed to compensate the families of those killed during Tarai protests while the MJF consented to mixed electoral system for constituent assembly polls.
September 06
» Bomb blasts : At least two people have been killed and 13 injured in four suspected bomb explosions in Kathmandu. 3 groups seeking autonomy for the southern Terai region said  they carried out the attacks.
» New revolt: CPN (M) top leader Prachanda directed Maoist-affiliated students to be ready for "next revolt."
» Yes or No?: CPN (M) chairman Prachanda said, contrary to his recent statements that his party would participate in the CA polls, that he rules out any possibility of taking part in the election unless the country is declared a republic.
» People's courts : The Revolutionary People's Council (RPC) of CPN-Maoists decided to reactivate its people's court. The current state was not able to provide justice to the people, the party leaders said.
September 14
» Cantonment sites : The United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) has voiced concern that large numbers of Maoist soldiers today briefly left one of the cantonment sites where they had agreed to stay as part of last year's peace accord ending the conflict.
Maoist army personnel were observed this morning outside the main cantonment site in Nawalparasi and its satellite sites in the western region of Nepal, UNMIN said in a press release, adding that it had deployed three mobile teams to monitor the situation.
September 17
» Maoist revolt : Maoist leder Baburam Bhattarai has renewed the CPN (M)'s warning to declare nationwide protest movement if the 22-point demands are not fullfilled.
» Curfew: Local administrations of Rupandehi and Kapilvastu districts have imposed indefinite curfew in Butwal Municipality and Taulihawa  in view of possible violence in demonstrations organised by supporters of Mohit Khan, a former leader of anti-Maoist resistance group, who was shot dead by an unidentified group.
September 14
» Maoist quit government : The 4 Maoist Ministers of the eight party interim government have resigned. The Maoists quit the government and launch the first phase of  their so called "street revolt". The CPN (M) would boycott the Nov 22 elections, Maoist leaders declared. Analysts believe the latest move may be aimed at putting more pressure on the prime minister to accept the Maoists' 22 demands.
September 25
» Unification: Central leaders of the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist and Communist Party of Nepal-MLM  decided to unify both parties.
» Unification : Central leaders of the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist and Communist Party of Nepal-MLM  to unify both parties.
» Bara district : Demands from the Teraian (Madhesi) people for an independent Madhesh state have fueled the emergence of more than 20 armed groups responsible for the abduction and killing of villagers, especially among the hill tribes. Impromptu strikes have also disrupted services in and around the district, PLAN international said.
» Attack: WFP food lorry attacked in Dang district.
September 28
» Republic: Nepal's largest political party, the Nepali Congress, has said it supports declaring the country a republic.
» Interim government: Efforts are continuing in Nepal to break a political impasse that would bring the former rebel Maoists back into the interim government.
» Bandh: A bandh called by Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) and Madhesi Janadhikar Forum has affected life in central and eastern parts of Terai plains.
September 29
» Republic: The CPN-Maoist together with the Left Front and the Nepal Communist Party of Nepal (United) have urged a special session of the Parliament to move a parliamentary resolution to abolish monarchy and to ensure an electoral system based on proportional representation.
» Extortion Drives: CPN (Maoist) have intensified their collection of 'donation' in Bara district. The Limbuwan is on an extortin drive across the Tehrathum district.
» Minister arrested: Rajendra Mahato, former Minister of commerce, industries and supplies and member of the Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP), was arrested by the Armed Police Force after he began a protest before the Election Commission. The Minister has declared his resignation on the same day. The NSP is a party representing the Teraian Madhesi people.
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