About the Animals
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Grafik Charikot and Dolakha - Trekkings
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About the Birds

Despite its ecological problems, our area still abounds with birds. You will find them especially on the two forest ranges described here, namely Kalinchowk and Chordung. As for the low-altitude birds, they may best be seen in the Sun Kosi and the Tama Koshi valleys along our great rivers of that name. Here is a list of birds which we have seen along those treks, with outpretending to be accurate or complete.

List of birds:

Yellow-billed Bhe Magpie
Gray-Winged Blackbird
Nepal House Martin
Gray Bubul
Long-tailed Minivet
Red-vented Bubul
Scarlet Minivet
Whlte chosked
Bulbul Besutllul Niltva
Crested Burding
Large Niltava
Large Cormorant
Small Niltava
Jungk Crow
Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch
Dronpo Cuckoo
White-talied Nuthatch
Euraslan Cuckoo
Black-headed Orlok
Robin Dayal
Common Hill Partridge
Spotted Dove
Kalij Pheasant
Black Drongo
Blue Rock Pigeonvarious eagles and birds of prey
Hill Pigeon
Little Egret Wood Pigeon
Spotted Forktail
Black-headed Shrike
Yellow-bellied Fantail Flycatcher
Hen Harrier
Green-backed Tit
Pond Heron
White-crested Laughing-Thrush
White-throated Laughing Thrush
Eurasian Kestrel Whistling Thrush
Eurasian Kingfisher
Pied Wagtail
White-breasted Kingfisher
various Warblers
Red-bilkd Blue Magpie
Brown-fronted Pied Woodpecker
Chestnut-throsted Shrike

About the Wildlife

There has been no scientific survey made of wildlife existing in our area. As a result of intensive hunting and due to the receding forests many of our most beauhful animals have become rare tosuch an extent that you might not see them along the maijo trails.With a bit of luck, good eyesor a pair of binoculars you will will, however, be able ta spot some of them, especially when trekking in small goups and with an alert local guide who knows his forest.

From the deer family we have seen the barking deer (ratua),the goral and the musk deer (kasturi mriga) which has become very rare because of its much valued musk gland used for the perfume industry.

ln our very high forests you might encounter the himalayan black bear (kalo bhalu). The wild boar (bandel) is sought for its tasty meat. Especially in winter the jackkals (syaal) enter the villages in search of food. The farmers dread those animals as yeloow-throated marten (pahelo malsapro) because of their appetite for chicken. The himalayan weasel and the mongoose (nyaurey musa) belong to the same category,although the latter is also appreciated for its capability to kill even poisonous snakes.

As eveywhere in Nepal, you will hear countless stories of tigers (bagh), but don't worry, the biggest cat in our area is only a very shy leopard (chituwa). Other cats are the caracal lynx (caracal), the small Indian civet (sano hind civet) and the jungle cat (bon biralo). We may also mention the hare (kharayo), the crested porcupine and the pangolin or scaly anteater (salik), although you may not see any of them except at night. And at last but not the least our monkeys, include the langur and the rhesus monkey (bandar).

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