Nepal Trekkings
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Important Information to Visitors or Trekkers
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Important Information to Visitors or Trekkers
Department of Immigration
All foreign visitors are requested to be mindful of the date of Nepalese visa and their passport number to avoid possible problems. As such, you are requested to apply for visa extension, if you wish so, apply within the valid period of Nepalese visa.
You are requested to get the arrival/departure stamps on your passport at the entry/exit points to avoid further legal complications.
Living in Nepal without passport or a valid visa is a punishable offence.
Deviation from the prescribed routes mentioned in the trekking permit will be treated as the violation of the law.
You are advised to be aware of brokers/cheaters or any counterfeit documents of visa/trekking permit to avoid legal complications. If you are not visiting/trekking through any recognized agency, do not use mediators for visa/trekking permits. You are requested to contact the Immigration Office directly.
Change of purpose of stay without permission is not allowed and employment or voluntary services while on a tourist visa is strictly prohibited. It will be a punishable offence.
Be sure to register at the police and Immigration check point along the trial. It will be wise for to register your trekking destination and schedule at your Embassy or Consulate.
If you encounter problems along the trails, inform immediately to the nearest police or Immigration post.
You are requested to change money with recognized dealers and do not forget to take formal receipts.

You are requested to inform the Immigration Office or Police Station for any changes in your address previously given in the visa application form.

Source: Nepal Government, Department of Immigration

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