Nepal Travel Guide
Travel Information
January 2010
«Oman Air» and «Spirit of Manila» to fly to Kathmandu
April 2010
Mount Everest's height
May 2010
Mountaineering Spring Season 2010
June 2010
China: Everest age restrictions
October 2010
Tourist Arrivals by Air
October 2010
Visitor arrivals by Air

The figures released by Immigration Office, Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) reveal that visitor arrivals in the month of October 2010 have increased by 12% to 62,712 compared to the same month last year.

The arrivals from South Asian region have shown positive growth of 13.7% with Bangladesh (34.7%) and India (17.1%) while arrivals from Pakistan and Sri-Lanka declined by 39.2% and 36.8% respectively. A sustained growth of 21.9% has been observed in the arrivals from the South Asian region during the first ten months of 2010, in comparison to the same period last year.

Asia (other than South Asian region) saw overall decline of 2.3% in October 2010.Except for Japan ( +9.2%) and South Korea ( +26.1%), almost all the markets declined with China ( -8.7%), Malaysia (-8.9%), Singapore (-24.5%) and Thailand (-22.4%) compared to the same month last year.

Regarding long haul markets, Europe registered overall positive growth of 14.5% compared to the same month last year with total visitor arrivals of 29,681, highest of all on month-by month basis in 2010.Arrivals from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands,Spain and UK were up by 29.6%, 56.7%,18.8%,19.3%,42.6%,7.7%,19% and 7% respectively.

The figures show increasing trend in the visitor arrivals from Australia ( 6.8%) and New Zealand (10.6% ) as well. Likewise, the United States of America and Canada, both the markets have registered positive growth of 32 % and 28.5% respectively.

Overall in January – October period, India grew at an average of 18.1% , China (44.8 %), Germany (21.8 %), France (18.3%),UK (7.1%) and USA (17%). October remained the strongest of all in first 10 months of2010 with total 62,712 arrivals, ahead ofMarch ( 44,431 ),September ( 41,331 ) andApril ( 38,694 ) on a month-by-month basis. The visitor arrivals totaled 364,115 between January and October, up by 18.4%,compared to the same period last year.

A total of 57,663 foreign tourists departed from TIA in October 2010.The number of Nepalese arrivals stood at 73868 while 51,177Nepalese departed from TIA in October 2010.

Source: Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), November 2010

April: Tourist Arrivals by Air Jan 2009 - March 2010


June 2010

China: Everest age restrictions - UIAA responds to Everest age restrictions

The UIAA welcomes China's decision to ban people under 18 years of age from climbing Mount Everest.

According to press reports and climbing and trekking agencies in Nepal, the decision was taken on June 10 by the Lhasa-based Chinese Tibet Mountaineering Association (CTMA) - a branch of the Chinese Mountaineering Association, which is a UIAA Member.

The move was welcomed by the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA).

"While concerned about the restrictions on the freedom for exploration and human endeavour, the UIAA Access Commission applauds the actions of the CTMA and the NMA to protect minors by placing a lower age restriction on summiting Everest," said commission president Clare Bond.

UIAA President, Mike Mortimer, also greeted the Chinese decision, saying young mountaineers lacked not only climbing "experience", but also maturity.

However, Mortimer is critical of the maximum age of 60 set by the CTMA.

"The issue of an upper age limit would seem to be very arbitrary and should be of concern," Mortimer said. "Many climbers over the age of 60 have safely climbed Everest and other high peaks. Although medical considerations might present problems, the older climber often has a wealth of experience missing from younger people."

Climbing for all ages

For her part, Bond emphasises that the UIAA continues to "encourage the active participation of all ages and members of society in climbing and mountaineering and the freedom to participate in the sport and enjoy the mountains".

President of the UIAA Youth Commission, Anne Arran, added: "Climbing Everest is a great challenge but not without risk and young climbers should not be pushed to undertake it."

The UIAA co-ordinates around 10 youth events in the world's mountains each year, and in 2011 plans to run a youth project in Nepal, which, according to Arran, will "focus on an exchange of mountain skills between countries and supporting environmental and sport development challenges relevant to youth in Nepal".

China and CTMA

The CTMA is the official channel through which climbers must apply for permission to attempt peaks in Tibet.

according to Lindsay Griffin of the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) writing on the BMC website, it is not yet unconfirmed if these age restrictions will also apply to other high peaks on the Himalayan divide.

Griffin says "the decision has been made in the aftermath of (May's) Everest ascent by 13-year-old Jordan Romero".

"Nine years ago Nepali schoolboy Temba Tshiri became the youngest Everest summiteer at the age of 16 (and 17 days) but lost several toes and fingers to frostbite. This put pressure on the Nepalese government to ban young climbers, and in 2003 it set a minimum age of 16. However, there is currently no upper limit," Griffin added.

"There do seem to be loopholes in the Chinese regulations. In exceptional circumstances the CTMA may issue a permit to a mountaineer outside the declared age range. Applications will be considered from climbers outside this age span if they can provide a medical certificate showing they are fit enough to make the ascent, though it is believed that this is most likely aimed at climbers over 60."

Source: UIAA - International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation, June 2010

External link
UIAA - International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation UIAA


May 2010
Mountaineering Spring Season 2010

The mountaineering spring saison has ended on May 24, 2010 when snow began falling on Everest Base Camp and on top of the peak. On May 22, 2010 an estimated number of200 climbers reached the summit. A total of 233 climbers in 25 expedition teams have conquered Mount Everestin April and May 2010.Since 1953 around 2,900 climbers have scaled the highest mountain on earth.

The Himalayas


April 2010
Agreement between Nepal and China concerning Mount Everest's height

The official overall height of Everest (in Nepal called Sagarmata) is now designated as 8,848m. China claims that height of Everest's (in China called Chomolungma) height is 8,844m. Nepal and China accept each others claim.

The US National Geographic Society is using a height of 8,850m recorded by an US team.

The Himalayas


January 2010
«Oman Air» and «Spirit of Manila» to fly to Kathmandu

«Oman Air», the national carrier of the Sultanate of Oman, and «Spirit of Manila», a private-owned airlines from the Phillippines, will begin flight operations with Nepalfrom March 2010.

With these two new airlines, there will be 27 international airlines flying to Kathmandu.

Nepal Flights