Maoists in Nepal
Reports on Maoists
Timeline of the Insurgency
New structure and strategy (Dec2005)
Maoists extended their unilateral ceasefire (Dec2005)
Agreement between the seven parties and Maoists (Nov 2005)
Maoists declared a unilateral three-month ceasefire (Sept 2005)
Maoist leaders of Nepal and India issue a joint statement (Sept 2005)
Kalikot: Major attack on security forces (August 2005)
Baburam Bhattarai reinstated  (July 2005)
Maoists' rift  (March - July 2005)
Maoists holding local elections  (June 2005)
Direction to stop all kinds of physical actions against unarmed persons  (June 2005)
Peace Talks: Maoists have ignored a deadline (Jan 2005)
Ceasefire: Maoists declared unilateral ceasefire (Oct 2004)
Bhojpur: Maoist attack on security forces (March 2004)
Myagdi: Maoist attack on security foces (March 2004)
Mid-western Nepal: Blockades in the district headquarters (March 2004)
Achham, Kalikot and Bajura: Maoists hold elections (Jan 2004)
7-month old cease-fire in Nepal (Feb - Aug 2003)
Maoists and Government declared cease-fire (Jan 2003)
Maoists attacks Mangalsen in Achham district (Feb 2002)
New structure and strategy 

The central committee meeting held two months ago in Rolpa dissolved the United Revolutionary Peoples Council and formed a General Convention Organising Committee. Preparations are also being made to reorganise teachers, trade unions and women's organisations. 

The Maoists have increased the number of their military divisions from three to seven. The Maoists haven't given up the military option. 

The Maoist have said they will allow international aid agencies to work in the country's impoverished areas.

The Maoists also announced the start of their 'people's democratic campaign'.

Maoists extended their unilateral ceasefire by one month 

Maoist rebels in Nepal have extended a unilateral ceasefire by one month. CPN (Maoist) leader Prachanda said in a statement the Maoists' move was part of a peace effort. 


12-point agreement between the seven parties and Maoists

Chairman of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Prachanda said his party wasready to end years of violence and rejoin the political mainstream. Prachanda said that the Maoists would be willing to place themselves under the supervision of the United Nations or nother credible international organisation ahead of elections to a constituent assembly. Political parties said they had agreed to a key Maoist demand, promising to hold elections to an assembly that would draw up a new constitution 


Maoist rebels in Nepal have declared a unilateral three-month ceasefire.

The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has declared three-month long unilateral cease-fire with immediate effect.

In a statement  chairman of CPN (Maoist), Prachanda,said his party hoped that the decision (to go for unilateral cease-fire) would encourage all political forces within and outside the country that want peace with a forward-looking political way out. The Maoist supremo also expressed hope that it will help create a positive environment to resolve the problem for the political forces within the country and even the UN.

The Maoist chairman said his party would not undertake any offensive activities with effect from Saturday (Sep. 3).

Top Maoist leaders of Nepal and India Issue a Joint Statement

Chairman of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) comrade Prachanda and General Secretary Communist party of India (Maoist) comrade Ganapathy have issued a joint statement on September 02, 2005. The two top leadersconfirmed the long Red Corridor of armed struggle stretching from the Base Areas in Nepal up to the guerrilla zones of Andhra Pradesh or the so-called Compact Revolutionary Zone.


Kalikot: Major attack on security forces

A large number of Maoist rebels had raided the temporary base camp of Royal Nepal Army (RNA) set up for the construction of the Surkhet-Jumla Road. According to RNA sources the Maoist rebels attacked non-combatant RNA personnel involved in road constructions. After the clash RNA had found the bodies of 40 army soldiers killed by Maoist rebels while 76 other soldiers were still missing. The Maoist rebels said that they had killed 159 security personnel and captured another 50 in the firefight.  The commander of PLA's Western Division said in a statement  that the Maoist forces had achieved a major victory in the attack at the army base in Kalikot district.


Baburam Bhattarai reinstated 

Senior Maoist leader Baburam Bhattarai has been reinstated after several months of suspension caused by major differences with Maoist chairman, Prachanda. 


March - July
Maoists' rift

On March 1, 2005 the CPN-M leadership took action against Baburam Bhattarai and some of his followers: 
Dinanath Sharma, Mani Thapa, Hisila Yam (Bhattarai's wife) and Devendra Poudel. 


Direction to stop all kinds of physical actions against unarmed persons

Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Prachanda said in a statement that 'In consideration with the historic demand of the movement against authoritarianism as well as the request of the seven political parties, the central leadership of the party has given special direction to all organs of the party, the People's Liberation Army and the new people's government, not to  carry out physical actions on unarmed persons even if they are criminals.'


Maoists holding local elections

The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) is holding local elections in its strongholds. The CPN (M)  was organising elections for local bodies in ten districts in western Nepal described as 'special zone' by the Maoists. The elections took place on June 19 and 22, 2005 in Rolpa, Rukum, Salyan, Pyuthan, Dang, Gulmi, Baglung, Myagdi, Arghakhanchi and Kapilvastu districts, the news report said. Chief and deputy chiefs of Village People's Government (VPGs) and chiefs of Ward People's Government had been elected through these elections. Though the Maoists had called mainstream political parties to take part in the elections, they did not take part in the elections in a formal way.


Peace Talks: Government's deadline ignored
Deadline: The Maoist rebels have ignored a deadline set by the Goverment for Maoist rebels to resume peace talks. Analysts say that the country seems to be heading towards an escalation in violence instead of a resumption of talks to end it. 


Maoist declared unilateral ceasefire

The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) CPN-M has declared a unilateral ceasefire during Dashain festival with effect from October 20 to 28 October 2004.


Bhojpur: Serious Maoist attack on joint security forces

Maoist rebels have attacked joint security forces in Bhojpur. Heavy casualties on both sides. Maoists have attacked a telecommunication tower. Maoist rebels are also operating "people's court" in villages outside district headquarters. About 75 per cent of the cases are being solved by the people's court.

Later in April, Maoists have freed 41 policemen captured by the rebel in Ilam in the presence of the representatives of the International Committee of Red Cross, human rights activists and media personnel.

Security forces have halted all security operations in four eastern districts following a request by the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC).

Myagdi: Serious Maoist attack on joint security forces in Beni

Maoists rebels have launched a major offensive against security forces west of Pokhara. Security forces had sustained "heavy casualties" in the overnight violence in Beni, the district headquarters of Myagdi. Both Maoist and Army claimed that its forces were victorious in one of the haviest battle since the insurgency was launched in 1996. According to Army sources, the security forces have taken control of the area and are hunting the Maoist rebels from both land and air Maoists have set conditions for the release of over 30 security force personnel and officials captured in Beni fightings.

Later in April , both the civil servants and the security personnel captured by the Maoists after the Beni attack were released by the Maoists and handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Mid-western Nepal: Blockades in the district headquarters

Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Rupandehi, Palpa, Syanja, Kaski, Tananun, Parwat, Lamjung, Gorkha, Gulmi, Myagdi and Manang: Maoist-affiliated organisations have declaried blockades in the district headquarters. Normal life in the western and mid-western regions has came to a stillstand after the imposition of a 17-day economic embargo in the district headquarters of the region by Maoist ethnic organisations.


Achham, Kalikot and Bajura: Maoists hold elections

Across the villages of Achham, Kalikot and Bajura in the Maoist-controlled heartland of mid-western Nepal, it is election time this month. The Maoists are filling the vacuum left after the Deuba government declined to extend the terms of elected local councils two-and-a-half years ago.

To counter the government move to nominate VDC members, they are conducting their own elections for village and district "people's governments". Sixty-two of the 75 VDCs in Achham have held elections, of which 23 polls were held with votes being cast, in 30 the Maoists won unanimously, and in eight villages, local representatives were appointed by the Maoist party. In Kalikot to the north, independent candidates have won some positions in four village-level elections while the Maoists have swept all positions in 13 of the VDCs. The Maoists have their own election commission which drafted guildelines for the polls.


January , 29
Royal Goverment and Maoist rebels declared cease-fire.
August , 27
Cease-fire collapsed.

The 7-month old cease-fire in Nepal between the government and Maoist rebels has ended after the rebels declared there was no justification for the truce amid an uncompromising stance from the Nepal Government. Nepal rebels and the Goverment joined to 3 rounds of rounds peace talks.


February , 17
Mangalsen - Achham: Maoist rebels launched major attacks on government targets

More than 120 people have been killed in two separate but simultaneous attacks by Maoist rebels on government installations in western Nepal. The rebels raided the district headquarters, Mangalsen, district headquarters of the remote hill district of Achham (420 kms northwest of Kathmandu), and an airstrip in nearby Sanfebagar at about midnight. The victims of the raids on Mangalsen and the nearby airstrip included police officers, soldiers and local government officials. The rebels mounted attacks on an airport, government buildings, a military barracks and an armoury. Buildings were blown up and banks were looted. Gun battles between rebels and the security forces went on for many hours from midnight until well after dawn. It has been a deceptive and dastardly attack on a small security force by a big Maoist group, officials said. Maoists also torched a bus travelling to Kathmandu from Gaur after forcing passengers out of the vehicle.The rebels fled after the army arrived. Smoke was seen drifting around the scene of the daring attacks for a long time afterwards. The scale and ferocity of the attacks go beyond anything the rebels have carried out previously in six years of conflict. It was the bloodiest offensive launched by Maoist militants since they abandoned peace talks last year and a state of emergency was declared in the country last November. Rebels have intensified their nation-wide attacks as parliament begins a debate on the extension of the emergency earlier this week.

The History of the Maoist Insurgency