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The Maoist conflict: Headlines 2004
Summary of national and international news reports
January February March April May June
August September October November December
Appeals for Peace

Headlines 2003

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August 2004
. Day 1 to 14 Day 15 to 31 .
August 01 - August 07 . August  08 - August 14
August 01
» West Nepal: The Maoist party has decided to arm the people as they would be fighting the last war themselves.
» Panchthar: The Maoist had pressurized more than hundred teachers to change the names of their schools and practice 'progressive' curriculums.
» Bajhang: The Maoists had abducted over 300 teachers. 14 schools closed.
August 06
» Peace talks: Information minister said Goverment should holding secret talks with the Maoist rebels.
» Dailekha: Journalists have been threatend and forced to leave the district by Maoist rebels. The journalists have reported about the Maoists' extortions in this district.
» Sarlahi , Sindhuli: Heavy clashes have been reported between security forces and the Maoist rebels.
» UN offer: UN envoy has renewed the offer that the UN will help to resolve the ongoing conflict.
» Constituent assembly: Nepali Congress had expresssed their a consensus regarding the proposal of keeping open the options of a constituent assembly, referendum or an amendment to the constitution of 1990. Establishing a constitutent assembly is a major demand of the Maoist rebels.
» Bardiya: India has handed over to Nepalese Maoists arrested earlier this month to the Nepali authorities.
» Maoist threat: The Maoists' labour wing threatened to force an indefinite shut down of a number of big businesses including a leading hotel in Kathmandu with effect from 17 August.
» Peace secretariat: PM will soon announce a Peace secretariat. The web site is ready for access.
» Dadeldhura: Maoist rebels reportedly abducted several hundreds of students for military training like handling arms and planting bombs.



August 10
» Panchthar: Local people as well as Maoist cadres got military training and medical treatment fin a military training camp. 
» Peace talks: Maoist supreme commander Prachanda issued a press statement last month, 2004, threatening to use "more violent means" if peace talks with the Government of Nepal are not forthcoming or are unsuccessful.
» Panchthar: The Maoists have issued notice of a blockade in Phidim, the headquarters of the Panchtar district. They are intending to hold the blockade from 1-7 September and have instructed residents to leave the town in time for a general strike on 8 September, 2004.
» Dhankuta: Maoist rebels have executed a 15-year old boy accused by Maoists to have been involved in robbery and rape.
» Peace talks: CPN-UML general secretary Nepal said that the Maoist rebels are ready for dialogue but the government is lacking in efforts toward building a favorable environment.
» Peace talks: Former peace talks coordinator Pun said that the Maoist Party is is ready for talks if the state agrees to continue where it left off at the end of the last round of peace in August 2003.
» Maoist threat: The rebels have threatened to prevent food and other supplies from reaching Kathmandu unless the government agrees to their demands. The Maoists have declared a transport blockade in major entry points in and around the Kathmandu Valley beginning August 18, 2004
» More landmine victims: According to the NGO   "Ban Landmines Campaign -Nepal" , over 200 people are killed in the country every year due to landmine explosions. Nearly 1,100 people have died of landmine explosions in Nepal since 1998
» Maoist threats: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is urging the maoists to stop threats and attacks on journalists covering the Maoist rebel insurgency in the western part of the country
» Mid-western and central Nepal: Altogether 326 persons have been killed and 1148 abducted since 1st January to June 30 this year, a report published by INSEC revealed.
» Dailekh: Maoists continue to threaten journalists and researchers
» Argakhachi, Achham, Syangja, Myagdi and Bhojpur : A lot of Government and VDC owned buildings destroyed by the rebels.
» Final battle: ANNISU-R leader said that the CPN- Maoist will take actions if the talks with the government fails or the situation remained static. The student leader announced the final battle in this case.
» Kathmandu Valley: The Maoists intend to intensify their fight around Kathmandu. According to Maoist sources, the People's Liberation Army PLA was setting up a brigade to reinforce their activities in the Ring Area (12 districts in and around the Kathmandu Valley)
» Achham: RNA troops have started a major offensive against Maoist rebels. The Army wants to prevent  planned major assault on government targets anywhere in country.
August 12
» Ceasefire: The EU mission in Kathmandu has called upon both sides of the ongoing conflict to make a ceasefire possible.
» Violence free zone: The Ministry of Education has urged the All Nepal National Independent Students Union (Revolutionary) ANNISU (R) to come back to the negotiation table.
» Myagdi: A US Military team has inspected Beni, the headquarters of Myagdi. This town has been raided by Maoist rebels earlier this year.
» Blockade: The government will take security arrangements to thwart  three-week economic embargo on the capital announced by the rebels.


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