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Appeals for Peace
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December 2004
December 11 - December 15 . December 16 - December20
December 11
» Human rights: The Hong Kong based Human Rights organisation AHRC said Nepal today faces an unparalleled human rights catastrophe. The government is unable to ensure the security of its people.
» Pressure on Maoists: PM Deuba urged the Human Rights organisations should also ask the Maoist rebels to stop rights violations.
» Human rights: The Chief of the RNA Staff General Thapa said establishment of peace in the country is not possible without protection of human rights.
» Kailali: Maoist rebels have captured at least six passenger buses. The police said they were not able to launch search operations as the Maoists had set up barricades along the highway.
» Nepalis for democracy: The US-based National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) has revealed in a survey that majority of Nepalis want to see peace, democracy, economic growth, reforms in the political parties and national unity in the country.
» Ramechhap: RNA claimed that more Maoists at least 19 Maoists were killed and dozens other injured in a fierce gunbattle. There were about three thousand Maoists armed with modern weapons in a remote area of the district.
» Peace talks: PM Deuba said the government is ready to hold talks with the Maoists "on any topic they want".
» Peace talks: All Nepal National Free Students Union (ANNFSU), Student organisation affiliated to CPN-UML, has vehemently urged Maoists to come to negotiating table.
» Development: The World Food and Agricultural Organisation said poverty eradication and sustainable development of the mountainous regions is not possible without peace.
December 14
» British statement: UK's special representative for Nepal has said that the Maoist could be included in government formation if they renounce violence. He call upon the Maoists to respond constructively and to seize the opportunity for peace. The special representative also called on all democratic forces for a united voice against the rebels.
» Human rights: EU officials has arrived in Nepal in a bid to study the situation of human rights violation due to ongoing conflict in the nation. The Troika will also express the EU's grave concern at the human rights situation in Nepal and the abuses committed by both sides.
» Missing persons: The committee formed to investigate the whereabouts of persons missing in the hands of the state, made public the fourth list with 116 names.
» Strike: The two-day bandh (general strike) called by the Maoists have paralyzed life in Chitwan and Rupendehi districts.
» Maoist attack: The Maoist rebels have attacked and injured civilians in different villages of Dailekh district. The persons attacks by Maoist activists are mebers of local security committees formed to resist Maoist atrocities in the area.
» Detention centers: The UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances has called on the government to provide unhindered access for National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to all detention centers without prior notice or information. The situation of disappearances is much worse than anticipated, the president of the UN Group said.
December 16
» Teachers: Dailekh's teachers have been on strike for two months to protest forcible recruitment by Maoists. 
» Clashes: Twenty-one security personnel and eight Maoists were killed in clashes in Arghakhanchi district. The clashes followed rebel attacks on a security patrol. The clashes were the fiercest in weeks.
» Baglung: Jana Morcha and the Maoists are fighting for influence in central Nepal.
» Peace talks: European Union urged Nepal's Maoists to enter peace talks and abandon violence.
December 18
» Bomb blasts: Suspected Maoist rebels set off two bombs in Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. No one was hurt in the blasts. The first blast hit a government office building, the second a the house of a King-related hotelier.
» Negotiations: The Government is willing to hold peace talks with Maoist rebels even after a January deadline, a member of the present Government said.
» Violence: Maoist rebels have stepped up violence this week, launching deadly raids on army patrols and security posts, mostly in Arghakhanchi, Dailekh and Lamjung districts.
» Anti-Maoist movement: Local people intensified a campaign against the Maoist atrocities in Nawalparasi district.
» Abductions: Maoist rebels have abducted more than hundred teachers from the remote areas of Nawalparasi district.
» Commander arrested: Indian security forces have arrested a Maoist commander in the Uttaranchal State of India.
December 20
» Maoist attack: For the first time Maoist rebels have attacked an office of a security agency inside the Kathmandu valley. At least 60 Maoists stormed the police post in  Sankhu, 15 km nordeast of Kathmandu, killed 5 police officers and looted large amounts of weapons.
» Blockade: The Mechi Highway remains blocked after the Maoists placed landmines on more than several sections of the highway in Ilam and Paanchthar districts.
» Strike: Normal life has been disrupted in Kathmandu and adjoining districts due to a call for a strike by Khala, a Maoist-affiliated ethnic organisation.
» Ambush: Maoist rebels have attacked a Army patrol near Mude in Sindhupalchowk district, killing 10 soldiers.
» Threats: Defenders of human rights in Nepal face grave threats from both the Maoists and security forces.
» Against polls: Maoist leader Prachanda said that  Maoist fighters will sabotage elections if the government goes ahead with them. Prachanda repeated the rebels' demand for internationally brokered talks to prepare polls that would elect an assembly to prepare a new constitution to decide the role of the monarchy.
» Death toll: More than 80 people have been killed in the past week, as the rebels escalated attacks across the country.
» EU delegation: CPN-Maoist leader Prachanda said that the one-sided and irresponsible statement made by European Union delegation was unexpected for the Maoist side. The delegates have undermined the Maoists' universal democratic demand of reliable international mediation and election of the constitutional assembly.
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