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Livelihood Recovery Development Programmes
Irrigation canals: boon to earthquake survivors
Following the 2015 earthquake, communities in the hardest hit areas in Nepal scrambled to survive. In Gairibisaune, Kavre, not only did 23 people lose their lives, but the small farming community lost 500 houses, 500 cattle and precious infrastructure like irrigation systems.
Bouncing back seemed insurmountable for subsistence farmers like Ram Kanta Dhakal, whose livelihood was lost right before the planting season. While food aid was keeping the community going in the short term, Dhakal worried about what would become of the poor community members if they couldn't plant the fields.
"Already pushed to the life's edge, it wouldn't have been possible for the low-income farmers to reconstruct the canal and yield agriculture produces within four months of the earthquake," said Ram Kant Dhakal, chairperson of the User Committee.
With assistance from the UN Development Programme (UNDP) with funding from the Government of Mauritius, work began in restoring community infrastructure like the canals and water sources. Within only a few months, the community members were able to plant their crops and start earning much-needed income.
"Life is back with the reconstruction of this canal, which stretches nine kilometers and irrigates 509 hectares of land," said Prajina Karmacharya, a UN Volunteer helping in the reconstruction.
At least 2,800 people are benefitting from the reconstruction.
National Farmers Groups Federation (NFGF), with support from UNDP, mobilized a local workforce to reconstruct 23 irrigation canals, drinking water systems and market linkage centers that are vital to people's livelihood recovery in Kavre District.
The rapid reconstruction of the irrigation canals has been a boon to earthquake survivors. For example, almost all of the 300 households of Gairibisaune have made a modest income from the sale of vegetables because the irrigation canal was quickly renovated. |
"My family alone made an income of NRs 10,000 with the sale of 200 kg of tomatoes this season. My neighbour Tara Prasad Dhakal earned NRs. 30,000 selling onion seedlings," said Surya Dhakal.
Having an adequate water supply has also spurred other income generating opportunities. Bharat Dhakal and his three neighbours produced 100,000 mud bricks to reconstruct their damaged houses.
"Life is gradually returning back to normal with the resumption of water supply," said Dilli Acharya, a social mobilizer for Gairibisaune.
In a year's period, UNDP aims to complete reconstruction of 250 damaged and destroyed productive community infrastructures benefitting at least 125,000 people in the worst earthquake affected districts of Central Nepal.
Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), January 2016 |
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