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August 2005
August 11 - August 15 . August 16 - August 20
August 11
» Prisoner of war: In a statement Maoist leader Prachanda said:"We have been keeping up with respectful and humanly behaviour towards the prisoners of war and releasing them in a process has justified the said conviction in practice."" The RNA soldiers in our detention are being treated respectfully and they will be released by an appropriate process and time.," the leader said also.
» No restrictions: In a statement Maoist leader Prachanda said:"Welcoming publicly the decision taken to appoint a high commission by the United Nations to follow up and protect the human rights in Nepal, our determination of helping them up to our capability has already unfolded. We also would like to clarify through this statement that our party policy has been to allow the aforesaid commission of the United Nations to travel to any part of the country influenced by the conflict, to study and inspect the sensitive spot of incident, to visit the prisoners under our control".
» Civilians: Despite the promise of their leadership, Maoist rebels still are attacking civilians. The latest incident was reported from Bajura district. The Maoists destroyed the house of a local resident punishing him for not providing food to them.
August 12
» Death toll: Since 1 February 2005, at least 1,115 people have been killed according to a report published by Insec, a local human rights group. The report says 738 have died at the hands of the state and 377, including both civilians and security personnel, have been killed by Maoist rebels.
» Killings: Extra-judicial killings by the state are increasing and more innocent civilians are being killed by the Maoist rebels, Insec said in a report.
» Kalikot clash 1: The Royal Nepal Army RNA said  faulty Indian assault rifles were partly responsible for its heavy death toll in a gun battle with Maoist rebels as troops hunted for 75 soldiers still missing after the fighting.
» Kalikot clash 2: The Maoist rebel's victory appears to have been as unexpected as it was complete. Nepalis who support the king say the Maoist attack was alarming, analysts say.  The future for Nepal is in danger.
» Kalikot clash 3: The Chief the United Nations Office of OHCHR in Nepal has once again called on the Maoist to treat the captive security personnel humanly in accordance with international standards and release them instantly. The Maoist had given assurance to respect international humanitarian laws. "He has been attempting to establish direct contact with the Maoist leadership at different levels, " Ian Martin said.
» Highway clash: At least eight Maoists were killed and at least three soldiers were also injured in a clash with security forces in Nawalparasi district. The clash occurred after security forces arrived to clear roadblocks that the Maoists had laid on Mahendra highway.
» Crisis: Nepalese activists want UN to act quickly. Human rights activists have become increasingly concerned over the human rights situation and are asking when the Nepal-based Office of the United Nation High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) will begin active field work as per its mandate. "Human rights activists are no longer able to work freely like before. All our hopes now rest on the mission," an activist said.
» Abduction: Abductions of civilians by Maoists are continueing.  Maoists have abducted 30 students from a school in Baglung and Makwanpur districts.
August 15
» Retaliation: Locals in a village in Banke district killed five Maoists in retaliation.
» Child soldiers: The European Union condemned Maoist rebels for using children as soldiers. Maoists said repeatedly that children were not used as fighters but only policed their areas as Maoist village militia.
» Shooting: A policeman of Armed Police Force (APF) was killed in a Maoist attack near in Jhapa district. An AFP patrol was attacked from behind.
August 17
» Indian state ban: The Indian state of Andhra Pradesh has imposed a ban on the rebel Communist Party of India (Maoist) group.
» Shuts down: Unilever closed its plant indefinitely in Hetauda due to fears of an attack from rebels linked to the All Nepal Trade Union Federation
» Internal affairs:  Nepalese Foreign Minister R. N. Pandey said that his governemnt don't allow any outsiders to muddle into internal affairs and determine of Nepal.
» Talks:  Nepalese Home Minister D. B. Shahi saidthat his government is ready to resume talks with Maoists if they surrendered arms and renounced violence.
» Maoist captivity: Local journalists visiting Rolpa district twenty-seven houses padlocked and over 450 local youths having fled villages due to fear of Maoist retaliations.
August 20
» Kalikot clash 1: A RNA search patrol recovered the bodies of 12 RNA soldiers killed in a clash with Maoist rebels earlier this month: The RNA death toll in this incident goes up to 55 dead soldiers. The bodies were found in the mountains of Kalikot district. 64 soldiers are still missing.
» OHCHR critics: The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)  has published a report about the Maoist attacks on public buses in Chitwan and Kavre districts and the killings of civilians in Kailali district. The OHCHR has blamed the Maoists for the attacks on two buses and the RNA soldiers for travelling on public vehicles.
» Gunbattle:  At least six Maoists rebels were killed in a gunbattle with the security forces in Deuli area of Dailekh district.
Nepal Crisis 2005
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